What are the effects of THC

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse Animals Plants .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the effects of THC”,you can compare them.

Some of the marijuana’s side effects are: Problems with memory and learning, Distorted perception, Difficulty with MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-effects-of-thc ]
More Answers to “What are the effects of THC
Do insects feel the effects of THC?
Yes. Any animal that metabolized THC would be affected.
What are the side effects of THC pills?
Most drug allergies manifest themselves in one of two ways, a rash and/or itching, tissue swelling. If you vomit from a drug, or experience something like stomach upset, that is a side effect or intolerance, not an allergy. A true allergy a…
What are some possible long term effects of Fluoxetine and THC??
You’ve actually described several of the potential long-term effects of sustained THC use, but Prozac would be unlikely to contribute much to the equation. The only likely interaction would be a short-term effect on seritonin; they act very…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it normal if the effects of thc last more then 4 days?
Q: Hey, i know “someone” who smoked purple haze and then mids right after..this person has had the strange effects of these two drugs for about 5 days afterwards, combined with nausea, headaches, and extreme fatigue. Along with the usage of thc this person has their period and some kind of stomach bug. do you think this is normal for slight effects of thc to still be in her system? she weighs over 200 lbs and i know thc is fat solluable..anyone wanna shed some light and maybe calm this person down?
A: You and your friend should both be worried she needs to see a doctor about this. This is nothing to play around with and I would not take this lightly at all. Get some help for your friend don’t try to tell her everything will be alright she needs help and if you are a true friend you will let her know that.
What are the side effects of THC pills?
Q: What are the side effects of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) pills and what would happen if you were allergic to it and you took it?
A: Most drug allergies manifest themselves in one of two ways, a rash and/or itching, tissue swelling.If you vomit from a drug, or experience something like stomach upset, that is a side effect or intolerance, not an allergy. A true allergy always involves a histamine response (hence the itching and rash). Severe allergies can result in a life threatening condition called anaphylaxis, where the tissues in the face, throat and lung passages swell shut as a result of the immune response. You can also have severe fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure during anaphylaxis, but this type of reaction is extremely rare.Typical side effects of THC pills are what you would expect for a medication which can effect the central nervous system, that is, mental status changes (difficulty in thinking or maintaining concentration) feelings of ‘disconnectedness’, confusion, sleepiness, dizziness, euphoria. Other common side effects include: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and generalized weakness.
Why are some people ammune to the effects of THC in marijuana?
Q: I have a friend who can’t ever feel the effects correctly, yet he does everything right. He was complaining about it the other day and I’ve been trying to find the answer but I can’t. Does anybody know anything about this? If so, what can he do?
A: Heres a few problems, pick one1. The weed hes getting is bunk and wouldnt get anyone high or he is damaging the weed by exposing it to heat and light long -before- smoking it2. He doesnt smoke properly, or his lungs are ineffective at absorbing things (which could be from about 5,000 different causes)3. He takes medication that affects his dopamine reuptake receptors in his brain, making cannabinoids (the chemicals in the plant material) inhibited and thus useless to his body.4. He has Parkinson’s disease (unlikely)5. He has a high tolerance to toxicity, which was possibly inhereted6. He’s Iron Man.
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