What are some medications that are prescribed to you for schizophrenia

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some medications that are prescribed to you for schizophrenia”,you can compare them.

Antipsychotics are used to treat schizophrenia. These medicines include: risperidone (Risperdal), olanzapine (Zyprexa), quetiapine (Seroquel), ziprasidone (Geodon), and aripiprazole (Abilify). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-medications-that-are-prescribed-to-you-for-schizophrenia ]
More Answers to “What are some medications that are prescribed to you for schizophrenia
What medication does doctors prescribe for schizophrenic or paran…?
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long do you have to be on medication for schizophrenia?
Q: I suffer from schizophrenia psychosis and have been prescribed medication. I don’t really want to keep taking medication for the rest of my life but I’ve been taking it for four years and I heard that pills can strip away the lining of your stomach and I’ve been having problems there as well. Lots of coffing, constipation, and sometimes I can’t even tell if I need to go to the toilet until I stand up or think really hard that I have to go.
A: It is always good to talk to your doctor about the any possible new symptoms. They may or may not be related to your medication. Coughing, constipation and the like can have a whole list of causes. There is not a medication out there, whether prescription drugs, herbal remedies or over the counter drugs that do not have possible side effects. Do not take it upon yourself to discontinue your medication if it has helped you so far. Talk to your doctor. If the drugs you are being prescribed have helped you so far, that is great. They can often be adjusted by your doctor as your body adjusts to them.
Is there an Alternative method of dealing with schizophrenia other then Medication..prescribed by a doctor???
Q: Herbal…Ritual..
A: Schizophrenia is one of the few disorders that has sound researching showing it has biological roots. Meaning it is a phsycial condition directly related to brain functioning. There is nothing outside the realm of the medical/psychiatric field that can help with schizophrenia besides a really good support system in conjuction with meds. I know the meds can be a pain in the a@# due to side effects, etc but keep giving them a shot.
Can anyone offer me some advice on finding the RIGHT medication for bipolar & paranoid schizophrenia?
Q: I’ve been browsing the web in hopes of finding a medication that will work for a young man aged 20 who is suffering these illnesses and whose psych doesnt seem to know what to prescribe or really care. He has morbid hallucinations and severe mood swings and a desire to kill himself. There are so many different meds for this – and we need to find the RIGHT one for him quick. So whatever advice and experience is offered will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
A: I’m bipolar type II and I’ve been through a lot concerning medications and bad psychiatrists. Much as it’s natural to feel like wanting to take some control over what is going on, only a doctor—a competent doctor—is really capable of deciding what is best for this person. Since you indicate his state is very poor and he needs help quickly, I would really recommend a hospital stay. At the hospital he will be “under observation” by a number of professionals who can monitor his condition and based on talking to him and watching him over a period of days, hopefully get a better picture of just what is going on. It sounds like he may not even have a correct diagnosis. So, much as I’m sure everyone here would like to give you a quick answer, the sad truth is that none of us are qualified to give you that kind of advice. This young man is suicidal and, according to you, experiencing severe psychosis (hallucinations etc.). He NEEDS to be under a hospital’s care. Good luck and sorry I cannot offer more.
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