Is smoking pot bad for your health

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is smoking pot bad for your health”,you can compare them.

Smoking any substance- tobacco, marijuana, or “crack,” a smokable form of cocaine-increases a smoker’s risk of developing. More.. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is smoking pot bad for your health
Is smoking pot as bad for your health as smoking cigarettes??
They did more research and found out that smoking pot is actually is more worse then smoking cigarettes it’s like sticking a pack of cigarettes in your mouth all at one time and does damage to the lungs. A lot of potheads on here who are in…
What are the health risks of smoking pot?
First, some background on the immediate effects. THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, is absorbed rapidly (6-8 minutes) and completely when smoked. It is metabolized slowly, with a half-life of 30 hours-4 days. Since THC and its metabol…
How often do u have to smoke pot >> Medical Questions, Weig…?
Sorry, that one was too easy. I’m not sure about the answer to that question but I’d definatley advise waiting on the weed until you are done growing. Anything you do to alter your brain chemistry while you are still growing (under mid 20’s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is smoking pot as bad for your health as smoking cigarettes?
A: Just don’t smoke anything at all!
someone give me actually good reasons why smoking pot is wrong and bad for your health?
Q: i dont personally smoke and i never did and i never will smoke cigarettes bc i know hwo bad they are for you i see it in my dad everyday so when i wswore off smoking i just swore off smoking everything all together but all my friends smoke pot and they always ask me why i dont and beg me to do it and when i say no they ask me why not but i honestly dont really have a reason to give them.. if i cant find a good reason then im going to start so help me out or dont if pots completely awesome and doesnt risk my health
A: Smoking pot can be unhealthy for the same reasons cigarette smoking can be unhealthy. Consuming cannabis in other ways, however (such as eating it, taking its active chemicals in a medicine like Sativex or Marinol, or using a vaporizer), has not been proven to have any long-term negative health effects. Most of the ‘bad’ things you hear about marijuana are rumors and urban legends. The BEST place to learn more is http://www.erowid.orgEdit: The majority of answers posted after mine contain outright lies. I don’t blame any of you kids for this, but the DEA and Health class lie to you. It’s just that simple. I encourage all of you to visit Erowid and read a little.
How does smoking pot one time affect your health?
Q: Im 21, never smoked a cigarette and smoked pot once the other night. Maybe like 3 puffs of it. I didnt like it and I regret even trying it. How bad will this one experiance affect my health?
A: Well, it shouldn’t do much. It might of killed a few cells, but Marijuana is used in medicine, remember that. Three puffs isn’t going to harm you enough so that it will affect you in the larger scheme.:] Just don’t do it again and you’ll be fine!
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