Is marijuana physically or psychologically addicting

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is marijuana physically or psychologically addicting”,you can compare them.

Marijuana is not physically addicting but it can be psychologically addicting. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is marijuana physically or psychologically addicting
Is Marijuana Physically or Psychologically Addictive?
Marijuana addiction is experienced by thousands of users, and it is often debated whether marijuana is physically or psychologically addicting. Those who are addicted often experience…

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Can a person become addicted to marijuana?
Q: I would like to get opinion from people who have used it or still use it. Doctors’ opinion is also welcome.Can a person become physically or psychologically addicted to marijuana?Thanks
A: People THINK they’re addicted to pot, but studies have found that it’s only mentally addicting. The body doesn’t go through withdraws like with crack or heroine. Sometimes a person might think tthemselvesto be having withdraws, so their body doesn’t feel good, but it’s more of a stress thing really.
What is the best way to quit marijuana?
Q: My friends think that I am psychologically addicted to marijuana because I smoke it all day every day. Is this possible?If I was to quit how would I do it? If I just go cold turkey (I know it’s not physically addictive) then I am concerned that I will be forever bored and will not have a way to relax and socialise. So should I drink alcohol to replace those benefits?Has anyone got experience of quitting, what was it like for you?If you have any links that would be great too!Thanks guys and girls in advance!!!
A: I smoke half ounce to an ounce a day for 22 years.I just decided one day to quit. it was a easy decision but not easy to do. I cut everyone that smoked pot out of my life for a long time (family included) I do still miss it and if weed was legal I would still smoke it. even though I feel weed should be legal, I also feel like the high is not worth my freedom. I did not replace the weed with any drug, it is a matter of will power you just have to make the decision, and do it. it helps if you can make sure your never around it (at least for a while) I will be honest even today I want to smoke I would love to blaze up and relax, but will power gets me through. I remember the reasons I choose to quit and am ok.
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