Is alchohol drug

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is alchohol drug”,you can compare them.

I do not see that alchohol is a drug for say. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is alchohol drug
Yes it is definitely a drug. What disgusts me is when parents lecture their kids on the dangers ,of what the parents consider drugs, while they regularly get plastered on alcohol. It also disgusts me when people don’t include wine and beer …
Present in beer, wine, mixed drinks and a variety of other beverages, alcohol seems to be everywhere. It is offered and consumed at religious, social and other celebratory events around the world. Many people do not think of alcohol as a dr…
Yes. It is a drug that has an effect on your body and your mind. It changes the way you feel, just like any drug.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is the drug heroin illegal in Canada and Alchohol is legal?
Q: An addiction to heroin is just that , other than being addictive there are no harmful side effects other than may-be constipation which is more annoying than harmful. Alchohol addiction though can be physically and mentally destructive, I can’t think of a drug like alchohol that has such far reaching absolute devastation and yet the canadian gov’mt sees fit to keep this drug illegal and heroin illegal. There’s probably going to be many people that read this and won’t believe that Heroin, that as Canadians we’ve told time and time again about the evils of heroin and the destruction of alchohol is down-played, yet the truth is, an addiction to legal heroin compared to a addiction to alchohol is so much safer . Our goverment has lied to Canadians how bad heroin is while down playing the absolute devastation and misery that the drug alchohol causes in this country . Why aren’t Canadians told the truth. As a drug heroin is in fact very safe.
A: Have you ever seen a long-term heroin addict?Right – they don’t live that long.Heroin abuse is associated with serious health conditions, including fatal overdose, spontaneous abortion, collapsed veins, and, particularly in users who inject the drug, infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.I agree that alcohol is destructive, but not in the same ways and to the same extent as Heroin.
If you request time off from your employer to participate in a drug/alchohol recovery program?
Q: If you do so will you’re employer be able to fire you based on this request?
A: you need to find out, some company’s have a program to help addicted people–other companys don’t—-if your company does not practice this —maybe yes–they could fire you——if so, you might wanna think about a leave of absence, or use your vacation time, and personal time, if you get any.set down and talk with your employer—–maybe they will be understanding and let you off with out pay untill you have completed the program—but remember—this also goes on your record as far as future promotions—
Is alchohol the only drug that is physically addictive?
Q: I was told this by an addictions counsoler, but it doesn’t sound rite. She said alcohol is the only drug that is PHYSICALLY addictive, and the rest are mental addictions.
A: ALL narcotic drugs are PHYSICALLY addictive, so is crack, meth, cocaine, etc. Also, don’t forget caffiene and nicotine. She’s not right. I work in an ICU. I’ve seen all types of people “detox” from all sorts of legal and illegal drugs. It is a VERY ugly, nasty and humiliating thing. I’ve always wished we could video them while they are going through it so that the next time they think about drinking or doing drugs, they could look at the video of them puking charcoal and gagging and sometimes even “coding” and decide not to do it.
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