How was tobacco discovered

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse History .We found some answers as below for this question “How was tobacco discovered”,you can compare them.

Tobacco is believed to date to c.1 BCE when experts believe American inhabitants had begun finding ways to use tobacco, …More? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How was tobacco discovered
Who discovered tobacco
Tobacco was discovered by the Spanish sailors on the American shores at about 1500 CE (900 AH)
Where was tobacco discovered
Xin said the inspiration for the design came from the ship in which Christopher Columbus discovered tobacco in America during his global adventure and the mysterious Mayan Temples of the area in which tobacco was discovered
When was tobacco discovered to be harmful?
Not that many people smoked prior to the 1900s. Ready made cigarettes were for the rich and most of the poor chewed their tobacco. Starting around the beginning of WWI ie 1914 governments started handing out free cigarettes to their soldier…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When was tobacco discovered to be harmful?
A: Not that many people smoked prior to the 1900s. Ready made cigarettes were for the rich and most of the poor chewed their tobacco. Starting around the beginning of WWIie 1914 governments started handing out free cigarettes to their soldiers in the trenches to keep them alert. The soldiersbecame addicted to smoking and when they returned to the homefront the demand for ready mades increased tremendously. Also women started to smoke in the 1920s.In the 1930s doctors noticed a huge increase in the number of people with lung cancer. At that time lung cancer was avery very rare disease and lots of doctors had never seen it.At that time the medical profession deducted that the increase in smoking had brought on the increase in lung cancers. However by this time cigarette making was a multi million dollar industry and they paid to shut everyone up. Thiscontinued until the 1960s when people really began to question how healthy tobacco was. The cigarette industrystill denied it and it wasn’t until the late 1970s and early1980s that most people accepted that use of tobacco is a cancer causing agent.
If tobacco and alcohol were just discovered today would they be class A?
Q: Would they be made illegal?
A: Their addictive status is probably far lower than that of cocaine or heroic type drugs.The damage caused by tobacco/alcohol may take years, whereas with class A its addictiveness levels can send you into an overuse spiral and the damage will not just be physical, it will be mental and this is worse. Mental damage may make you think insanically and worst case scenario do harm to your friends or yourself for no reason.
If tobacco was discovered today, would it be Class A?
A: Tobacco would be put through thescientific ‘hoops’ & would not be releasedto the market,but would be used fordrugs & treatments against ill health.There are so so many elements to’the evil weed’,did you know that thenicotine from ONE cigarette injectedintravenously would kill instantly !
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