How long does it take for heroin to get out of your system

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Addiction Drug Abuse Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does it take for heroin to get out of your system”,you can compare them.

Heroin stays in your system for 1 to 2 days. Heroin is a water soluble drug. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does it take for heroin to get out of your system
How long does it take for heroin to get out of your system??
A persons height, weight, metabolism and the amount of the drug taken are all factors of how long heroin will stay in your system. (Like alcohol how it takes women less drinks to get drunk then it does men) Heroin can last on average as lit…
How long does heroin take to get out of you system
It depends why you’re asking and also on what you’ve been using, how much and for how long. More info please! Up to 4 days for a clean urine test to be sure (if you are addicted withdrawals start earlier than that and it can take about a we…
How long does it take an heroin addict to get heroin out of their…?
Heroin takes 2-4 days to get out of your system. By out of your system I mean you would be clean. It takes much much longer for your body to completely rid itself of the toxin.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does it take for heroin to get out of your system?
Q: When you take heroin how long does it take for it to get it out of your system?
A: A persons height, weight, metabolism and the amount of the drug taken are all factors of how long heroin will stay in your system. (Like alcohol how it takes women less drinks to get drunk then it does men)Heroin can last on average as little as 48 hours for the lighter users and can last up to 5-7 days in heavy users.The biggest factor is how often you use and the amount you use the longer you use the longer it takes to leave your body. It will stay in your system for 2-4 days (average) . Heavier users will most likely take close to a week. Heroin can be cleaned out of your system, but it will stay in your hair. If you are going through a hair test, heroin can be detected even if you’ve used it months ago. Hair has the longest testing time.
how long does heroin take to get out of your system?
Q: People told me 3-4 days and i am not for sure cause my bf is doing it
A: Heroin is water solluble and will leave the system within 24 hours so he should be ok
How long does Heroin stay in your system?
Q: I’ll like to know how long heroin stays in your system.If I was going to be tested for drugs, how long would it take for me to tested negative?
A: Longer than you would be able to stand the withdrawal pains. DON’T USE HEROIN!
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