How long does alcohol stay in the bloodstream

Health related question in topics Biology Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How long does alcohol stay in the bloodstream”,you can compare them.

Alcohol is metabolized at the rate of .015 of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) every hour. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long does alcohol stay in the bloodstream
Your body (depending on weight) processes alcohol at about 6-8 oz. per hour. If you have 2 drinks, alcohol will be processed by your liver in a couple of hours, but your body will feel the aftereffects of the extra work that your liver and …
It is out within 24 hours.
On average, the body can breakdown alcohol at a rate of one unit per hour (depending on your weight, sex, age, metabolism, stress levels, amount of food eaten, medication taken and type of alcohol consumed). If you get drunk avoid alcohol f…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long does alcohol stay in your bloodstream?
Q: I’m doing a study where they pay me, and they told me not to drink alcohol, caffeine, or chocolate 24 hrs before I go in. Is alcohol still going to be in my bloodstream after 24hrs?
A: Your body (depending on weight) processes alcohol at about 6-8 oz. per hour. If you have 2 drinks, alcohol will be processed by your liver in a couple of hours, but your body will feel the aftereffects of the extra work that your liver and kidneys made for a longer period of time. Alcohol won’t be in your system after 24 hrs. (unless you consume huge quantities) but the aftereffects of alcohol will be there.
How long does alcohol stay in your bloodstream if you have drunk a bottle of red wine?
A: What is not being discussed here is weight. Your liver and kidneys adapt to the weight you carry and can therefore process more alcohol by weight. Another factor is that drinking water while drinking wine has two effects: 1) It slows the rate of absorption initially. 2) Upon elimination, it dissipates the alcohol in the bloodstream. See: factor is, of course, how long it took you to drink that bottle. If you consumed it over an hour and a half at dinner with food and water, your processing of it and BAC would vary considerably from a situation where you consumed it on an empty stomach with no water. Keys to consuming and enjoying 4 glasses (a bottle) of red wine:1) Eat2) Drink at least as much water as you do wine3) Give yourself time4) Drink according to your weight (there’s a reason some people are called “lightweights”). Have fun!
How long does alcohol stay in the bloodstream?
A: i’ve heard that, on average, we metabolize an ounce an hour – but, of course, it’s variable depending on your age, weight, sex, general health, etc. . . i know some people smell like booze for days after they over do, so i’m not sure my info is valid. .
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