How do drug dogs detect drugs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How do drug dogs detect drugs”,you can compare them.

They are able to do this by being trined on the scent of drugs. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do drug dogs detect drugs
What can Drug Dogs detect?
A good detection dog can find anything including drugs, tobacco, bombs, dead bodies etc. that it is trained for. Dogs are extremely accurate. Some dogs can even detect changes in a person’s body chemist so they can predict seizures. When yo…
Pure cocaine is described as odorless, yet drug dogs have no trou…?
maybe because cocaine is odorless to human sense of smell? >>>Dogs are capable of sniffing everything from drugs to electricity, underground gas pipelines to ovulating animals. Recent studies suggest that dogs may even be capable …
Can drug sniffing dogs detect previous drug use??
Yes. Everywhere you go, everything you do you leave something behind. There can be drug residue under your nails, in your hair on your clothes, backpack, anywhere. I went to NY and rented a wheelchair for my friend who twisted her ankle. Wh…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can Drug Dogs Detect Perscription Drugs?
Q: My school randomly has drug dogs come in and sniff our bags and locker for drugs. I have ADHD though and sometimes have ritalin on me. Im worried that if im carring it and they come in that ill get in trouble for it.
A: A dogs can smell almost anything, they are trained to smell for specific things.Depending on your school rules I imagine your prescription drug should be on file with the office.Most drug dogs are not trained to look for prescription drugs.
What drugs can drug dogs detect, and can they sniff out perscription pills?
A: . I think there are too many legal drugs. Looking at the web sites below, it looks like a dog has to be trained to just sniff out a few illegal drugs. There aren’t enough dogs and trainers to go after perscription stuff. “…Our drug detector dogs are trained to find drugs like marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamines (meth). Today a fully trained drug dog goes for almost $6,000, and bomb-detectors sell for over $9,000.” “…They run through houses and slink through cars, sniffing out the five drugs they’re trained to find: meth, marijuana, cocaine, crack and heroin.” … “Once Flyer’s instinct was honed by training, he could track and find hashish, cocaine, crack cocaine, Ecstasy, heroin, certain prescription drugs, as well as money tainted with drug residue. ” .
How are drug-sniffing dogs trained to detect drugs? Are they mildly addicted?
Q: I am not sure if a dog can smell something without inhaling minute particles of the substance. In the case of hard drugs like heroin etc, would that mean that the dog has a mild dependency? Please answer if you know. If it’s just guessing, I can guess for myself. Thank you.
A: The key ingredient is a ball-crazy dog. You know the type; a dog that istotaly nuts about chasing, catching, and otherwise frolicking with a tennisball. They find these dogs through a very scientific process whereby theyget a bunch of puppies together and throw tennis balls around until it becomesapparent that one puppy is especially interested in ball-activities.That puppy is rewarded with his very own ball, one scented with eau de cocaineor eau de semtex, or whatever. They get these scents from a police-supplyoutfit. They’re just smells, no narcotic/explosive properties, so don’t getany ideas.The puppy grows up with the scented ball. Whenever the dog is playing, it iswith the scented ball. If the dog seems pretty adept with scents, it might getanother ball with a different scent, but two seems to be the limit. Besidesjust playing “catch,” and other doggie-sports, the dog eventually learns thegame “find your ball!”Thats the funny part. When the dog goes charging around the airport and startsclawing at your suitcase, he’s just looking for his stupid ball.
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