How can you tell if someone is smoking weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you tell if someone is smoking weed”,you can compare them.

Someone is using marijuana they might be dizzy, have trouble walking, seem silly and giggly for no reason or have bloodshot eyes. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you tell if someone is smoking weed
How can you tell when someone is using marijuana?
Urine Analysis, Hair tests, Spinal tap, and checking for dilation of the pupils are a few ways.
How do you know when someone is smoking weed?
They will have quite slurred speech and will seem disoriantated just after taking it. if they do not have it after a long time they will start to get violent and stressed.
What are the signs that someone is regularly smoking weed??
red eye, sleepy, get the munchies, get pararnoid, little finger nail will be long too. that helps to poke it down when you roll it

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do i tell if someone is smoking weed?
Q: I think my cousin is smoking marijuana, hes always laughing at stupid things, and eats alot but doesnt get fat, and i saw him baking some brownies which he doesnt do at all, and i asked him what he was doing, and he said it was for a project but i have the same teacher for cookin that he does and she said that there is no project of that that she has given out, and hes listening to Bone Thugs N Harmony, which i found out are big pot heads, how are some other ways to find out hes smoking weed?
A: 1st- he’s not violent2- the only trouble he gets into is not taking things seriouslyand 3rd and final…… (drumroll)……. just ask if you can join. There’s nothing wrong with it.
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Q: I know my friend does it, but how can I tell if he’s high or not? What are some big things to look for?
A: He’s really hungry, his eyes are red, he laughs a lot, he says things that are out of the ordinary, he suddenly gets nervous about things, he hears noises and becomes paranoid, he has a hard time focusing, his blood pressure is elevated, he’s extremely tired, he feels heavy, he’s thirsty…Just look for things that are out of the ordinary. He would probably smell like weed too.Or just go for the obvious and ask him.
When you get a physical can your doctor tell if you have been smoking weed?
Q: well i have an annual check up on monday, and last night i was at a party and smoked some weed. if the doctor takes the usual urine test for diabetes or w/e would they be able to tell if i smoked weed?
A: dont smoke weed its stupid and so are you for doing it. drugs are dangerous even soft drugs like weed. you get addicted to it. trust me i seen it. it takes longer then hard drugs but it happens eventually and you just need to smoke every day.
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