How can you pass a breathalyzer

Health related question in topics Food Drink Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you pass a breathalyzer”,you can compare them.

The secret to fooling a breathalyzer test: vary your breathing pattern. Thanks for asking ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you pass a breathalyzer
How to pass a breathelizer?
This question is in Orlando because that’s where the most drunk drivers (and other misc idiots) are. The only sure fire way to pass it is to drink a gallon of bleach.
How can you pass a breathalyzer test?
The Breathalyzer machine tests for a specific gas that is a by-product of alcohol being metabolized in the human body. In other words, if you drink, this gas will be exhaled from your lungs. There is no way to disguise it by changing the sm…
Will peanut butter help pass breathalyzer?
Yes only if it is eaten off the policemans helmet on arrest

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Does anyone know how to pass a breathalyzer test?
Q: Just curious Is it possible to pass a breathalyzer test when you have been drinking? Is there like a trick?
A: No tricks. The test is based on scientific principles, and have several built in features to ensure accuracy.Mythbusters tried the most common myths, and determined you can not beat the breath test. Their results are here, under “Recap”:;recap
Will you pass a breathalyzer if you only had 3 beers?
Q: What if you drink 3 beers at 12 to 2 or 3 in the morning and then you got a breathalyzer to take at 7 in the morning… will you pass or no?
A: Different people have different resistance, but I would say that would almost certainly fail the test since breathalysers are very sensitive.It also depends on how big the ‘beers’ were (a full pint, or just a 330ml bottle) and how strong they are (alcohol content).But best to avoid driving for several hours after drinking – the alcohol stays in the system for quite a while.
Is there any way that you can pass a breathalyzer?
Q: How many hours do you need to wait for alcohol to get through your system to pass a breathalyzer?
A: Yes do not drink and you will pass.Spade you know I had a drug abuse counseler who told me that you most certainly could pass a breath test with a penny in your mouth but the key is it had to be a real copper penny and they do not make those anymore.
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