How can i pass a urine test

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Exercise. As we know, THC stores in fat cells so you’ll want to burn it off. Also drink plenty of fluids and eat protein. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can i pass a urine test
By not using drugs.
To pass a urine test you need to stay clean. If you are not clean then you will fail the test. There are many things on the market that say they will make you clean but all they do is take your money with a small chance that you might pass….
Well im not sure what drug you use, but the only way to pass it is time. You will probably get alot of answers on here giving you false hope of quick easy ways to pass them, but I can promice you that even trying them could probably get you…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I pass urine test for cannabis/weed/pot/marijuana; what has worked for you?
Q: I have been smoking it often for over a year. Please don’t tell me I shouldn’t, I already have and I have my reasons, I’m beyond that now. I have a perfect job offer on the table and I need to pass a urine test. I know flushing with liquids alone will not work as it is stored in the fat cells. I may possibly have a week before I am tested.What can I take to pass this test?Your recommendations are very much appreciated.
A: Stop smoking now! Delay as long as possible without making them suspicious.Day before you go, drink about 2 gallons of water in about 3 hours. Pee constantly. Then, right before you go in you drink another few glasses. Pee a bit into the toilet, then the cup, then the toilet again. The most concentrated samples come from the beginning and ending parts of the urine stream, you don’t want those in a cup.Your urine will be clear when you pee, but the temp on the cup will be body temp. Because of the extreme diltuion, the urine will not have enough THC to be positive.My husband was a truck driver and used this method on every DOT or employment pre test and never had a positive.The trick here is that your urine still contains THC, but because of the dilution, the levels are below the levels of a positive.BTW, THC shows on a blood test for approx. 3 days. It shows in a urine test for up to two weeks and in a hair test, for up to 5 years. The better tests mentioned in a lower post are very expensive and no one uses them. Even the Army drug test is only accurate up to 3 weeks for THC use. Scary,huh?
How long does marijuana stay in your system? Will I pass urine test?
Q: I have smoked pot from April 07 to December 07 almost everyday. I quit for more than 2 months now. I drink a lot of water and exercise regularly. My height is 172cm my weight is 68kg. I will have urine test in a week. WILL I PASS???
A: You should definitely pass. Marijuana does stay in your system for a while, but if it’s been 2 months you should be fine.
Am I likely to pass a urine drug test for THC?
Q: I smoked occasionally (3-4 times a week for about 2 months. I haven’t touched the stuff for about 3 1/2 weeks and are likely to be tested for marijuana this week. It’s just one of those urine tests they do on the spot (micro-lab I think).I have a very quick metabolism and am hopeful (not confident) that I will pass the test.Any idea if I will pass or any last minute solutions to help?
A: smoked occassionally is not 3-4 times a week. basically you smoked 32 times in 60 days. thats more than half the time. thats not occassionally.More than likely the stuff is still in your system.
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