Do you think smoking pot is bad

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I think that marijuana should be legal for medicinal purposes however it is against the law and breaking the law is bad! ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you think smoking pot is bad
Do you think smoking pot is bad….?
NOO it doesnt fry you brain or lead to stronger drugs lmfao anyone who says that just doesnt have anything better to say and belives anything anyone tells them haha i belive its actually GOOD for you the positive outrule the negative effect…
Do you think smoking pot is really that bad?
Yes i agree considering that I can go buy a fifth of jack daniels and get way more messed up and do way more damage to myself and maybe even get a dui or get into an accident
Why do people think that smoking pot is bad ??
I agree 100 percent, cigarettes are so unhealthy (I just quit myself about a month ago) and drinking can be very dangerous but marijuana is considered soo much worse and I can’t figure out why. It’s a safety drug if anything. Most people …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do you think smoking pot makes you a bad person?
Q: Now, I am not talking about the effects of pot. I mean, would you think of a person you once respected as a bad person after you found out they smoke pot? I think people judge people who smoke way to much. It can change who you are, but only if you let it consume you, same with alcohol. If it does make you think less of someone, would you still think less of someone if it was legal?
A: No more than drinking a beer, smoking a ciggarette, eating a cheeseburger, riding a motorcycle without a helmet, owning guns or a million other things. But there will always be plenty of people who will call you a bad person no matter what you do. So why bother to care about what they think ?
Why do people think that smoking pot is bad ?
Q: I want to see what people have to say about this. How come every adult i talk too and if you tell them yeah i smoke pot they look at you like you done some horrible crime or your useless?I smoke and i drink i do more of the drinking and i find that i would much rather be high then drunk.Like when your in school they have the D.A.R.E cops that come in and tell you how bad smoking pot is and how much trouble you will get in if your caught but they don’t say much about alcohol and cigarettes , i find the only reason they don’t is because there is a bar code on both of them which don’t make it right.What do you guys think about people that smoke pot
A: I agree 100 percent, cigarettes are so unhealthy (I just quit myself about a month ago) and drinking can be very dangerous but marijuana is considered soo much worse and I can’t figure out why. It’s a safety drug if anything. Most people think it’s so horrible because it’ll lead you to worse drugs once the high effect doesn’t seem so great anymore but I don’t think that’s true in all cases. A lot of people I know just like to have fun with it mostly to help them relax and driving drunk is MUCH more dangerous than driving when you’re high. Yeah just cause there isn’t a barcode on it pretty much, you’re right about that. People pay for it just like they would alcohol in a store why shouldn’t they be able to have it?
Do you think smoking pot is bad?
Q: Please just answer with a yes or no. Thanks!
A: well as a one of or very rarely it can be fun for some people. But it does affect your health long term.
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