Can you die from taking ecstasy

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you die from taking ecstasy”,you can compare them.

If you overdose on ecstasy, then you can die. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from taking ecstasy
Nobody has actually died from the MDMA (the chemical ecstasy SHOULD be) itself. But they have died from what has been mixed with it. Or from drinking too much water, dehyrdation etc. What happens when you’re on it? You feel extremely hap…
According to the Medical Examiner data from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), there were 27 MDMA-related deaths in the United States from 1994 through 1998, the last year for which statistics are currently available. Almost all of thes…
Ecstasy has been involved in deaths from severe dehydration and heat exhaustion, abnormal heart rhythms and liver failure.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you die from taking ecstasy?
Q: What happens to you while on it?How can you make sure it’s the real thing?Any facts about it that someone would want to know?Experienced users, please.
A: Nobody has actually died from the MDMA (the chemical ecstasy SHOULD be) itself. But they have died from what has been mixed with it. Or from drinking too much water, dehyrdation etc.What happens when you’re on it? You feel extremely happy and feel big rushes of happiness and energy rushing through you. You might take fast, or get the shakes and you’ll want to dance. You’ll feel close to everyone and love everyone and want to talk to everyone about everything. You might get a headache. Dry throat. Feel very thirsty. Might vomit. Might feel scattered and overwelmed and might hallucinate. You will probably chew your mouth/lips and grind your teeth.It kicks in after about 30mins to an hour and the peak will last for about 2 hours but the effects will probably last about 6 hours.How can you make sure it’s the real thing? Well the only way is by buying a testing kit online and testing it first. But otherwise, make sure you purchase off a good friend and trustworthy person. Also, go on and check out the pills in your area and what’s actually in them.Any other facts? Don’t take more than one for your first time. Don’t freak out and think you are dying, enjoy the ride. Drink regular SIPS of water but not too much because you can ‘drown’ yourself. For your first time make sure you are with friends who have done it before and you trust. Go to a club so you can have fun and dance. Chew gum so you don’t chew up your mouth so much. You might feel pretty crappy for the next day or two. Headaches, ‘fuzzy’ feeling, sore jaw, chewed up mouth, depressed etc.Hope I helped. 🙂
how many people die from taking ecstasy per year?
A: Wikipedia says:ecstasy use compared favorably with horse riding in terms of risk, leading to around 50 deaths a year compared to about 100 from horse riding (in the UK).
can i die from taking half a pill of ecstasy?
Q: im going to do half a bickie can i die ???? im 15, and i only want to take half a pill for the first worried i might die or have bad effects. my friends ‘contact’ is getting us the bickies.. what might happen?
A: absolutely yes… do you know how contaminated that stuff is! I should know ive seen a Friend sell someone speed paste (amphetamine)… it was his antidepressants mixed with some of his spit! Gods honest truth this girl then snorted it… much worse things go in! Dont be so stupid youre only 15 you dont need that stuff
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