Can you addicted to weed

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you addicted to weed”,you can compare them.

It is difficult to say whether the drug is physically addictive, but it can lead to psychological addiction and social dependence. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you addicted to weed
Am I addicted to weed?
You can’t get physically addicted to weed. You can get addicted to the “lifestyle”. Although from what you’ve said you really don’t smoke that much. I often smoke a bowl before bed to help me sleep, that doesn’t make me an addict.
Is weed addictive?
Yes. Like alcohol and other drugs, not everyone who smokes marijuana gets addicted. But, some people do.
How do you know you are addicted to weed?
Addiction to weed is very real, and while it may not cause the same types of physical withdrawl symptoms that other narcotics do, the psychological dependence on it can be just as difficult to break as any other drug; and for some people wh…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How would you compare being addicted to weed and cigarettes?
Q: I smoke weed occasionally (weekends). Since I only smoke on the weekends I had urges to smoke weed during the weekdays. It a mind urge, like I really want to smoke but its not a must and usually the urge dies down after the first few days of smoking. Now I have NEVER smoke a cigarettes and dont plan to because they are bad for you. I was just wondering how being addicted to weed compares with cigarettes?I know some people that can go months without smoking weed and some people who cannot go a day without smoking a pack of cigs
A: Pot is not chemically addictive, just habit=forming in some people. Nicotine is inherently addictive. Avoid it.
Our mom is very addicted to weed. How can I step in this personal problem?
Q: Our mom is very addicted to weed. How can I step in this personal problem? I am a resident of Bondurant, Kentucky. Are there any government or voluntary or private companies that might help me take the right steps?
A: You can try to visit a few websits that can help you out, but telling your mother “youre addicted to weed. stop” isn’t going to do anything. Also, saying, “your smoking habits have messed up our relationship” won’t help, because the first step of overcoming an addiction is admitting. And trust me, she ain’t gonna admit anything of that sort.
My friend is addicted to weed. How do I step in this situation?
Q: My friend is addicted to weed. How do I step in this situation? I live close to Bonner Springs, Kansas. Are there any local government or charitable or professional group would help me with this?
A: No matter how much you want to help, it won’t matter unless your friend is willing to admit he/she has a problem. As long as they feel they don’t have a problem, any help you provide will go in one ear and out the other.
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