Why is tobaco bad for you

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is tobaco bad for you”,you can compare them.

Smoking tobacco can cause cancer, heart disease, and emphysema. Smoking causes one in five deaths every year in the US. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-tobaco-bad-for-you ]
More Answers to “Why is tobaco bad for you
Why is tobacco bad?
All smoke is carcinogenic and it causes cancer. Cigarette companies add chemicals like pesticides. Tobacco has nicotine which is bad for you as well. Tobacco can kill you.
Is chewing tobaco bad for high blood pressure?
Anything which makes the heart beat faster or harder is considered bad for patients who have high blood pressure. Yes, chewing tobacco is bad for high blood pressure.
Who discovered tobacco?
One person has not been identified as the person who discovered tobacco, but American Indians have been using tobacco since as early as 1 B.C. Native Americans have used tobacco in many different ways including religious and medicinal pract…

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Legalize drugs? Good idea or bad idea???
Q: I am not a drug user or advocate of drug use. So spare me the hateful emails to the contrary. That being said…….As Americans we spend BILLIONS each year in alcohol and tobaco sales. Companies like Anheuser-Busch spend $10 million just for a 30-second slot during the Super Bowl to try and get you to buy their alcohol! And tobaco sales? In the BILLIONS! So why then does our government spend over $60 BILLION a year trying to keep you from smoking pot, snorting coke, and popping some little white pills with hearts on them? Honestly, what’s the difference between people buying and absuing alcohol, and people buying and abusing pot, coke, or ecstasy? Seems to me that by legalizing drugs, not only will we save $60 billion a year or more, but we could actually MAKE billions on the taxation of drugs! This is in addition to putting drug cartels out of business and reducing crime by over 50% on average! Thoughts????
A: Through the illegalization of drugs we have effectively created a multi-hundred billion dollar a year black market. With all this money to be made, you can be certain that people will go out and try to sell, produce, and transport this stuff. There is a demand for these products but no legal supply. There is a lot of criminal activity which is associated with any illegal black market, drugs are included in this. By legalizing some drugs (like marijuana) we can accomplish a few things. We can regulate the safety of the product, we can generate tax revenue on the product (sales tax, income tax, and other taxes like alcohol or tobacco), and we can eliminate this black market and the crime associated with it.
why are certain drugs illegal?
Q: doesnt the idea of making nature illigal sound horrible to youits like saying god made a mistake, hes like looking down thinking shit i left dope everywhere lol,illigal drugs are the second biggest bussinness on planet earth, the biggest bussiness is the arms trade, to make money from the arms traid, you need conflict and war, you need people to hate each other, no one will buy your guns and bombs if peace and understanding rain across the world, no one will spend billions on plains, rockets and missiles unless the wish others to die through feer of death themselves.Traid in illigal drugs makes 400 billion dollars a year (UN statistics), drugs only make that much money because you want them and their illigal, try making cellary and see who gives a fcuk.400 billion dollars… theres got to be a whole lot of snortin, smokin, popping going on… there is massive exploitation of people and their desire to take drugs… which is why their illigal… are there any good drugs? are there any bad drugs? which drugs are which? and who would tell you so?400 billion a year, thats alot for something thats not worth much really, not worth much at all. most of the drugs people want are abbundant and cheap easy to grow or aquire:the coca plant grows like wild fire in its native habitat and is the most medicinal plant known to medicine.heroin can be taken safetly everyday of your life.cannabis has more uses than a swiss army knife and grows like a weed almost everywhere on earth, it has no known legal dose.drugs are not expensive, unless you make them illigal.drugs are not dangerous, exept in morons.according to the world health organisation, 100,000 people die every year from elisit drugs but wait a minute:cane sugar kills 3 million people a year according to scientists in new zealand2 million people die every year from a seditary lifestyle, physical innactivity 1 million people die a year from unsafe sex3 million from tobacohalf a million from air pollutionilligal drugs are less dangorous than sitting about doing nothing or eating sugar… fcuk weve got to get some of those people doing nothing onto drugs… think of the lives we could saveyour car exhaust is killing more people than crack, smack and meth put togethernot only does sugar kill more people than all the illigal drugs in the world put together but kilo for kilo it costs more to make than cocaine.so whos getting all that money from drugs, the guy in the slums selling crack to hores is making 400 billion a year? how about that woman caught at the airport with a gut full of heroin stuffed comdoms, is she making 400 billion a year?where do you put 400 billion dollars a year? under your bed? in a jam jar? where does the 400 billion dollars a year go if not in the pockets of columbian gangstars with their speed boats and glossy shaks in the jungle? ill save you the tortuos thought process, it ends up in a bank.Highly organized and well motivated people ship drugs all over the world and put their profets in banks, drugs move money from your pockets into banks, illigal drugs move more money from your pockets than any other bussiness exept weapons, and what the fcuk would you want with a gun if your trying to have a good time?
A: drugs are illigal so they make more money for the goverment, unless you buy your drugs using seeshell neclaces your money will end up in a bank.
why is so hard for my friend to quit smoking or doing marihuana?
Q: my best friend,smokes alot, and everyday he say hes gonna quit, but he never does,and he smokes marihuana too, he say marihuana is not bad for you, but i think between marihuana and tobaco,are killing hes brain , he is 33 years old,and act like a teen ager, idont know if is because the marihuana or maybe hes got more serious problems ,i dont gonna leave him alone,because is my best friend, but sometimes i feel like just let him be,,but i can not. i dont know what to do. can anybody help me? or at least tell me whats the best to do?
A: Try and convince him to stop smoking tobacco but there is no reason why you should even suggest he stop smoking marijuana, it’s very healthy and good for you.
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