What is the worst disease you can possibly get

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Pierluigi Gambetti, one of the discoverers of the condition known as fatal familial insomnia (FFI), claims that it is “the worst disease you can get.” (5) Given the vast number of diseases in the world, Gambetti’s claim seems farfetched at first MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-worst-disease-you-can-possibly-get ]
More Answers to “What is the worst disease you can possibly get
What is the worst disease you can possibly get
Pierluigi Gambetti, one of the discoverers of the condition known as fatal familial insomnia (FFI), claims that it is “the worst disease you can get.” (5) Given the vast number of diseases in the world, Gambetti’s claim seems farf…

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im really worried about my brother, can you help me and tell me if there is anything wrong with him?
Q: i have a brother who is 8 years old and he hasn’t been eating alot lately nor has he been getting hardly any sleep. most of the time he will eat 5-7 bites of dinner and then he is full, but always has room for junk foods and deserts. he also falls asleep between 10 and 11 pm and wakes up and 4-5 in the morning and sayd hes sleeping, but his light is on. im worried that he is sick. is there a possibility of needing to go to the doctor, or possibly having a bad disease. if he does have a disease, what is it called? im really worried about him and i really need help10 points best answer
A: I second that answer. junk food and the deserts with sugar and e-numbers/colourings will give him too much energy, and must make sleep very difficult. but a trip to the doctor must be made if you are really worried, then you can be sure if there is indeed a problem.
Hepatitis C – Cleared on its own?
Q: Just got a call from my Local Gum Clinic, tests I did a month ago were complete, and I had nothing majorly wrong with me. Had a small case of the Clap, but thats it, they gave me 4 Zithromax Tablets when I was there, so its been treated and all.Anyhow, the Health Advisor on the phone, wanted to know if anyone had mentioned one of my previous tests for Hepatitis C.At this point, I was concerned, While theres an obvious stigma associated with HIV etc, I had to admit, I am not overly scared of HIV. I know its not as deadly as it once used to be – meds an all.HEP C is the biggy that scares me, it wastes away the liver, and kills.The health advisor went on to explain that one of my previous checkups had shown non-reactive Hep C in my system, showing that I had cleared it myself. Dont know why the doctors didnt mention it before, maybe cause they only talk about positive results, and there wasnt much need to talk about a positive result which I cured myself for.At this point, I was really over the moon, The big bad Disease I was scared of possibly catching, seems to have gotten its ass kicked my my immune system.Anyway, She couldnt really answer my question of whether or not I am immune to it or not.So my question.Can I re-acquire HEP C, if my body had naturally fought it off, and cleared it from my system.From what I know of HIV, there are 3 main strains of that virus,and you can only get multiple infections of it, if they are all different strains.EG – Cannot be dual infected with HIV 1 and HIV 1.So, Is there multiple strains of HEPC that I need to worry about?Note – She also explained that there is NO Chance of the virus reactivating in my system, she just wasnt sure if I can reacquire it from another carrier or not.
A: Non-reactive test result means that you have not been exposed to the HCV virus at all. Your counselor is clueless…sorry. It would have shown Reactive if you had been exposed…then you would have needed a quantitative PCR test (which is expensive) to count the viral material, if that test came back negative then there is the possibility that you cleared the virus. Otherwise it would give you a number of viral particles per milliliter. Surprised that you think HIV is not dangerous and freak out about Hep C. Hep C can take decades to kill you if left untreated if you have a decent healthy lifestyle free of drugs, alcohol or other chronic diseases. HIV is still dangerous…and will kill you quickly if you have to be taken of your drug cocktail for some reason. Well actually, it’s not the HIV that kills you, it is the complications from another disease like pnemonia or staff infection because your immune system is torn down by HIV.There are 9 genotypes of HCV – 5-9 are extremely rare. genotypes 2-3 are somewhat easy to treat in 24 weeks, but genotype 1 and 4 require a 48 week treatment. Treatment is ridiculously expensive if you don’t have health coverage.No you are not immune to it, but the good news is you also have NOT been exposed to it. It is not really a sexually transmitted disease unless you are into rough sex where blood is involved. Infection requires that infected blood enter an open wound on your body. It is not carried in semen, sweat, tears, saliva or vagial fluids (unless there is blood in those). Not trying to burst your bubble, you should call her up and tell her to go back to training, because she doesn’t quite understand how to read test results.
i’v done something horrible. pls read all?
Q: good day. i mean that as a greeting, not that it’s a good day. for it’s a horrible day for myself. why you ask? my mother is dying of cancer. shes my last living relative and i’m really afraid of what i’m going to do after shes gone. i’m only 17 and don’t have a job. she doesn’t have much money either, so i nothing ot live off of. at the rate i’m going, i’ll be dropping out of school one year shy of a diploma. no prom for me. no graduation ceremony. no getting to finally be an upperclassman. i’ve never known my father, as i was a product of rape. i hadn’t actually known this until around the time my mother was diagnosed. she broke down and confessed this to me, probably thinking that i had a right to know before she died. it only made things worst though. can YOU imagine being told your mother is going to by dying and leaving you all alone to fend for yourself with no money and then finding out you were never wanted, all on the same day? as you can see, i’ve had quite my share of hardships for such a young age. the reason i mostly feel bad (and the reason i’m psoting this all) is because of a event that took place just tonight. she was discharged from the hospital, since she didn’t have any way to pay the bills for treatment, and didn’t want to leave me with a dept when she died (her own words). when we were finally back at home, possibly the worst thing that could have came on tv, came on. it was an episode of House in which the patient was being treated for the wrong disease. and then House utters the line “it’s not lupus”. this was startling to hear, as it’s exatly what happened to my mother, and what the doctor said. she was diagnosed for lupus rght off the bat, and the treatment for it only made the cancer worse. and the words that amde her cry when the doctor told ehr this were “it’s not lupus”. so there in the living room, my mother broke down crying. she didn’t tell me why, but i knew. it was obvious. i tried to comfort her, but she told me to just go away, and that things would have been easier if i were just never born. and i think i’m starting to agree. if i wasn’t born, she would have had a normal college life, found a nice husband, and be able to pay for cancer treatment or insurance rather than having to support a teenager as a single mom. i lost my temper at that moment though, and slapped her. she slapped back and all of a sudden, i was fighting a dying woman. i got in one little fight and my mom got scared and said your moving with your auntie and uncle in belair. i whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror. if anything i could say that this cab was rare but i thought man forget it yo home to belair. i pulled up to a house about seven or eight and i yelled to the cabbie yo holmes smells ya later. looked at my kingdom i was finally there to sit on my throan as the prince of belair.
A: If you live in the U.S. you can get social security until you are 18 once your mom passes away. Also, I suggest getting a therarist to work you through this really tough time in your life. Talk to a school counselor and see if they can get you in touch with someone. You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.
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