What is the difference between a smoker and a non smoker

Health related question in topics Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the difference between a smoker and a non smoker”,you can compare them.

A smoker is at risk for many diseases such as Heart Disease, Emphysema, and Lung Cancer. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-difference-between-a-smoker-and-a-non-smoker ]
More Answers to “What is the difference between a smoker and a non smoker
What is the difference between a smoker and a non smoker
A smoker is at risk for many diseases such as Heart Disease, Emphysema, and Lung Cancer. ChaCha!
What are the Differences Between a Smoker & a Non Smoker??
・ Cigarette smoke coats the lungs with a toxic substance known as tar, an inhaled cocktail of including… ・ The difference between heart health for smokers and nonsmokers is evident from the physical transformation… ・ Prolonged exposur…
What is the difference between a smokers lungs and non smokers lu…?
Smokers lungs = blackened with tar and unhealthy looking Non smokers lungs = lovely and pink and healthy looking My advice = dont start!

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Q: I wont start, if thats what anyones thinking
A: Smokers lungs = blackened with tar and unhealthy lookingNon smokers lungs = lovely and pink and healthy lookingMy advice = dont start!
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A: As a smoker I would have sworn on my life that I didnt notice any breathing differences. I stay congested as a result of several seasonal allergies, so I just added any breathing problems I had up to the allergies.As a non smoker, there is a HUGE difference. My allergies probably arent half as bad, I can exercise longer with better breathing, I can walk further.. And I definatly have a harder time breathing in smoke filled areas now (be it cig smoke or smoke from the camp fire, etc).Most smokers think that non smokers are over reacting and exagerating when the start coughing in smoke… they *arent*, rather the smoker is just used to breathing all that ick in.
What is the difference between cigarettes?
Q: Like, what is the difference between regular, light, ultra light? What is different about Marlboro blend 27? I work in a convienence store, and get asked all the time, but I’m not a smoker. The only differences I do know are menthol/non menthol and shorts/kings/72/100/120.Thanks for all the answers.I also believe that cigarettes are bad for your health and will kill you; unfortunately, I can’t tell my customers that. I instead have to market the product. Oh well, it’s only until college is over. LOL.
A: The difference between lights, ultras etc, is the amount of tar and nicotine in the cigarette, lighter cigs will always have less of these making them not much but a little less detrimental to a persons health. They also don’t taste as strong unless you are used to them you probably wil lfeel like you are smoking air!
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