What happens if cigar smoke gets in your lungs

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Cigarette smoke causes coughing, dizziness, and burning of the eyes, nose, and throat. It also causes cancer and lung disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-cigar-smoke-gets-in-your-lungs ]
More Answers to “What happens if cigar smoke gets in your lungs
Is cigar smoke really worse for your lungs than cigarette smoke??
Lots of people inhale cigars. For those who do, the smoke is unfiltered. I’m pretty sure that one unfiltered small cigar, if inhaled would be at least as bad as 4-5 cigarettes. On the flip side, people who smoke cigars (inhaled or not) i th…
Are you supposed to draw cigar smoke into your lungs??
You can draw cigarette smoke into your lungs if you want to, but you don’t have to. Definitely don’t draw cigar smoke into lungs.
How time for their lungs to recover after having smoked a cigar??
Still in progress and I’m back again smoker. I stopped smoking for about six months, but recently binges in Newport again. Since I left, I had the opportunity to travel without fatigue better (duh!). But I wonder if not an exact science s…

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An unusual situation and question concerning Cigars.?
Q: This would be the third post, because the categories are so poorly done that I can never find any of the answers I want, because for some reason what I consider culture isn’t, and what I consider health, isn’t. So oh well. I reluctantly post this in this section, because I don’t drink, and probably never well (hopefully), but it seems this is the best section for a question like this, so here’s hoping.Hello everyone,I have a serious issue (requires a bit of reading), but for you to understand the issue as well as I hope, I’ll need to clarify what the particulars in regards to this situation are, and so I will.First off, for my entire life I’ve been firmly against smoking, due to my father nearly dying from a heart attack due to smoking when I was very young, and my grandfather smoking all the time and dying of emphysema , and also the fact that about 90% of my relatives are dead now due to confirmed death from lung cancer, heart cancer, and smoke accumulation.This also means I became what most would consider an “anti-smoking Nazi” and truthfully I was as such, even had my fair share of converting others into non smokers of a variety of types. However I always knew the facts about smoking, due to personal and very excessive research, that happens to be a trait of mine.Now, my entire educational life, until I hit college, was filled with people doing all sorts of illegal and bad things around or towards me, and so I was able to ignore these, and successfully prevent myself from falling down any of the paths that parents are so scared of their children getting into.Once I first went to college I became friends with several individuals, the first being a person who I had quite a bit in common with and who after an eventual trip to a gas station for snacks and slurpee’s, offered me a cigar he had purchased while we were there. I was of course defiant, made a retort about his choices, and firmly refused. But like most friends do he tried to open me up to the concept and use peer pressure. But I didn’t give in, and thus he went to smoke his cigar illegally out on the stairs leading to our dorm.The second individual that I became friends with was quite a bit different, and due to certain events that transpired, he became very influential and actually had a degree of control over me. We shared similar beliefs about a lot of things, including my take on smoking, however at some point he stated some positive things about cigars, and though he never actually tried to get me to smoke, he did try to change my stance on them.The issue is that even though I refused to have my stances changed, I did begin to have visions while dreaming, and thoughts while awake about what would have happened if I had done such a thing, and thus I had a plethora of thoughts that related to all the possibilities that could have erupted from such a choice. This lead to what I call “a mental addiction to the concept of smoking cigars”. I call it this because I have never had a desire to smoke the cigars, but I have learned everything about them, and at least once or twice a week, I suddenly have the desire to plunge myself into further research regarding them. I sought help from the cigar community by sending a few emails out to places such as cigar aficionado to see if they had heard of anything like this, but I never got a response, and so I continued my research.I don’t know what’s wrong, and so I’m asking you the community of all flocks of status, ideas, ages, and beliefs, if any of you happen to have some insight into this most particular issue (such as why it’s happening, how, what to do, and etc) so that I can finally resolve this.In regards to the people that will undoubtedly try to convert me, I’m not capable of really formulating many defenses against this particular issue at the moment, and so unless you feel your decisions are the best choice, I’d much prefer you use insight instead of pressure to assist me.Thank you most kindly,- Del.P.S.This is a very important issue for me, and I’m not one to really ever ask questions of anyone, (especially not on sites like these, as I’ve always been the one doing the answering in my life) however this is a rare time for me, and so I would be very grateful if people treated this as serious, and didn’t involve immature replies.This has been going on for the past 6 months, and in case anyone wondered, the two people previously mentioned have had no further contact with me in this period of time, due to trust issues, violations of my trust, and some betrayals that occurred.This has been going on for the past 6 months, and in case anyone wondered, the two people previously mentioned have had no further contact with me in this period of time, due to trust issues, violations of my trust, and some betrayals that occurred.I can’t believe I double posted a detail <_<.Perhaps I should settle some of the very weird replies.First off, I’m not a homosexual, and I don’t have “oral” fixations.Second off, I’ve got a lot of experience and research in counseling, psychiatry, and psychology, and I can safely say this isn’t the type of thing you get over by getting counseled, aside from hypnotism maybe.So far, even though I got more responses than on any of the other categories, I don’t see any real reasonable answers.And in response to the person thinking I’m firm against it, I’m firm against a lot of things, and used to be against this, unfortunately at this exact moment as well as for many months, I haven’t been able to remain firm against it, because of my unusual fixation with it.Perhaps I haven’t been clear, but what I want to know, is why this is happening, and what I should do about it, how, and etc.How do I get more answers? Heh…Looking like I may need to repost this question. No real way to get more answers after this period of time.
A: If I had to guess why it’s happening now, I would say it is because you have so intently avoided the topic of smoking your entire life. Taking a more open stance toward the subject through less criticism may actually help lessen your curiosity toward the subject and let you move beyond this fixation on cigars. By maintaining your very intense taboo on smoking, you might actually be piquing your own desire to try it.That said, it probably wouldn’t hurt for you to take a puff off a cigar. Chances are with your anti-smoking background, you won’t enjoy it and will be able to continue on without the constant pangs of curiosity. You established yourself fairly well as not compromising on this point, but if you find yourself open to it in the future, you may want to try it.I had a fairly similar experience when starting college regarding smoking as well, but have become significantly more open-minded about the subject and have learned to keep my criticisms to myself every now and again. Trying everything at least once has allowed me to be able to say that I personally do not enjoy many types of smoking, but can see why some people might.I know that neither of my answers fit particularly well with your situation, but I hope that I’ve shed some light on why you might be feeling the way that you do.
A unique situation and question regarding Cigars.?
Q: Hello everyone,I have a serious issue (requires a bit of reading), but for you to understand the issue as well as I hope, I’ll need to clarify what the particulars in regards to this situation are, and so I will.First off, for my entire life I’ve been firmly against smoking, due to my father nearly dying from a heart attack due to smoking when I was very young, and my grandfather smoking all the time and dying of emphysema , and also the fact that about 90% of my relatives are dead now due to confirmed death from lung cancer, heart cancer, and smoke accumulation.This also means I became what most would consider an “anti-smoking Nazi” and truthfully I was as such, even had my fair share of converting others into non smokers of a variety of types. However I always knew the facts about smoking, due to personal and very excessive research, that happens to be a trait of mine.Now, my entire educational life, until I hit college, was filled with people doing all sorts of illegal and bad things around or towards me, and so I was able to ignore these, and successfully prevent myself from falling down any of the paths that parents are so scared of their children getting into.Once I first went to college I became friends with several individuals, the first being a person who I had quite a bit in common with and who after an eventual trip to a gas station for snacks and slurpee’s, offered me a cigar he had purchased while we were there. I was of course defiant, made a retort about his choices, and firmly refused. But like most friends do he tried to open me up to the concept and use peer pressure. But I didn’t give in, and thus he went to smoke his cigar illegally out on the stairs leading to our dorm.The second individual that I became friends with was quite a bit different, and due to certain events that transpired, he became very influential and actually had a degree of control over me. We shared similar beliefs about a lot of things, including my take on smoking, however at some point he stated some positive things about cigars, and though he never actually tried to get me to smoke, he did try to change my stance on them.The issue is that even though I refused to have my stances changed, I did begin to have visions while dreaming, and thoughts while awake about what would have happened if I had done such a thing, and thus I had a plethora of thoughts that related to all the possibilities that could have erupted from such a choice. This lead to what I call “a mental addiction to the concept of smoking cigars”. I call it this because I have never had a desire to smoke the cigars, but I have learned everything about them, and at least once or twice a week, I suddenly have the desire to plunge myself into further research regarding them. I sought help from the cigar community by sending a few emails out to places such as cigar aficionado to see if they had heard of anything like this, but I never got a response, and so I continued my research.I don’t know what’s wrong, and so I’m asking you the community of all flocks of status, ideas, ages, and beliefs, if any of you happen to have some insight into this most particular issue (such as why it’s happening, how, what to do, and etc) so that I can finally resolve this.In regards to the people that will undoubtedly try to convert me, I’m not capable of really formulating many defenses against this particular issue at the moment, and so unless you feel your decisions are the best choice, I’d much prefer you use insight instead of pressure to assist me.Thank you most kindly,- Del.(This is a repost of a question to allow for different answers from this particular group, as it is a very important issue for me)This has been going on for 6 months, and I’ve had no further contact with any of the two mentioned individuals due to betrayals, lies, trust violations, and my relocation.This type of thing isn’t supposed to happen to someone like me, I’ve made myself about as pure as you can get in this world (I don’t do anything illegal, rarely but unintentionally lie, don’t do any type of drugs, don’t get into aggressive confrontations, focus on intellectual based activities only, and have followed every religious rule to the best of my ability, with very few mistakes) and so I want to know, why this is happening to me? I’ve avoided every influence my entire life and remained a very proper person, so I don’t see how ANY of this can be going through my mind, and no one seems to offer any insight aside from the fact that I’m apparently crazy or mentally disturbed, even though I have no mental illnesses, have enough psychological experience and research to understand that I’m not suffering from anything, and yet I still don’t know why.Sometimes I wonder if this is life’s way of trying to defeat me, because it’s not so much about doing the act, but having to do it.Because if I “have to do it” to end it, that means I couldn’t resist it in the first place. I don’t know if I will ever do things like this out of my own choices with my own influence, but I do know that unless these are deep subconscious thoughts (which doesn’t make sense, seeing as how I’m in control of my subconscious), I shouldn’t even WANT to do this either, at least… not like this, not by some pressure and force that I feel will inevitably lead me back to this same issue.
A: You seem to obsess somewhat over a choice of paths that you have taken.Your musings on cigars and the like are fully unnecessary if they interfere with any other aspect of your life.Else wise, they are mere pass times for an idle brain that might be better employed.If such are not disruptive to your life, entertain or dismiss them as best pleases you.
i’m writing a short story/novel, rate /10?
Q: August 27th, 1946Her chest quivered with each shallow breath she took. She could feel the fresh blood hot on her face, and her head ached in pain. Father had never beaten her this bad before. She looked up through her swollen, black eyes, at him holding a cigar to his mouth. When he lit it the sweet smell of smoke filled her lungs making her cough.He told her, “This was all your doing, you know. If you had thought before you fucking acted, none of this would be happening and the devil wouldn’t be saving you a seat in hell, whore.”He swung his leg one more time at her side, and she curled up, spitting blood.“That’s what a slut gets.” Father said, picking up his bible with the torn pages falling out, and saying silent prayers to himself he left her broken like a glass that had fallen on cement.All of her senses went blank.December 17th, 1945Her name was Louise Antoinette. A fifteen year old rich girl is what she was. Her curly jet black hair was fastened with a black bow that matched the one on the back of her calf-length button-up dress. She hid everything that was bothering her very well. She surrounded herself with expensive things and boys, and told herself those things made her better.She walked into the white linoleum-tiled kitchen where Father Antoinette was sitting as usual with a cigar. He was the most well-known priest in Saint-Denis, but was also heir to a fortune. He was extremely religious and strict, not even allowing Louise to watch her favourite Joan Crawford film on the television. “Joan Crawford is a whore and a slut and you will not be influenced by her so long as God is watching,” he would say.
A: 7/10some authors can make vulgarity work, but some can’t
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