How serious can pleurisy be

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Pleurisy can either be serious or benign depending on the underlying disease that causes it. It is more important to treat the disease that causes pleurisy than the pleurisy itself. Lung infections and injury can both cause it. ChaCha On! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How serious can pleurisy be
How serious can pleurisy be
Pleurisy can either be serious or benign depending on the underlying disease that causes it. It is more important to treat the disease that causes pleurisy than the pleurisy itself. Lung infections and injury can both cause it. ChaCha On!
What is the recovery time for serious double pneumonia with pleur…?
For me it took two weeks to feel like my old self, after 8 days in the hospital. I had it in both lungs also, and had to stay in the hospital until my oxygen saturation on room air improved to above 90% (when I took off the oxygen thing it …
Is Pleurisy Serious and How to Prevent it
Is pleurisy serious? Well, that all depends. You see, for any condition, any disease to be serious, it’s more a question of how healthy you are, rather than how serious a disease is. If you are healthy, then no disease and certainly not pl…

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Q: **NOTE**I already posted this question once, but in trying to update it messed up so I copied and pasted what I had left and then added to it. Thanks to those who already answered…do so again if you like. So here’s my question. TAKE 2!I realize that this isn’t a medical website and that even with most of those sites you’d be better off consulting a doctor.On Friday, while having my chest x-rayed (the last question I asked is related to this—same trip to the dr) he found calcified nodes in my left lung and saw that my right lung is only inflating about half way. Is this a common thing? (Note–I was diagnosed with pneumonia. pleurisy. bronchitis, and sever ear and throat infection. Oh, yeah, and vertigo. Fun, huh?)I ask because on Yahoo! Answers these lung complications kept popping up while I was working on my question and they mostly bordered on hysteria. That is why I wondered if it was a relatively common ailment that will dwindle away on it’s own that is just freaking people out or a bit more serious. Clearly it doesn’t feel very good, and I see the dr again on the 20th and I’m trying to prepare myself for what he’ll say. Obviously I’m leaning as far away from cancer as I can without actually falling over. 😉
A: I don’t think it is cance because you should always see the cancer shadow in the lung before it gives lymphnodes metastasis. Of course it is not the rule, but this is how cancer lung behaves. I’ll try to interpret your case according to my experience. You are a little immunocomrimised, maybe diabetic or taking cortisone therapy.This predisposes you to getting several infections.Bronchitis, pneumonia, your ear nad throat infection.Any infection will definetily affect the lymphnodes, and hence your calcified lymphnodes. As for the lung that doesn’t fully inflate, it’s the pluerisy, inflammation of the pleura. The pleura is membrane surrounding your lung, if it is unilaterally inflammed or even healed from inflammation, it will limit your lung expansion. I just hope everything is benign with no cancer.But I must say that if you are a male, above 45, who has been smoking for over 20 years, then there’s a possibility that you’ll hear bad news.. It all depends on further inverstigations.But I really hope everyhing turns out to be just fine..Best regards,Dr Akram
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