Are grapefruit healthy to eat

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Are grapefruit healthy to eat”,you can compare them.

Eating grapefruit every day may help reduce bleeding gums and help promote the healing of gum disease. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are grapefruit healthy to eat
Is it healthy to eat 1 grapefruit a day Take1 pill of NIACIN and …?
A wide diet and regular excercise promotes good health. If you limit your diet to one food, (grapefruit), you’d be lacking other important vitamins and minerals.
Is eating 1 whole grapefruit a day in sections like an orange hea…?
Grapefruits are excellent foods. They’re very high in vitamin C and other nutrients. The acid in them also helps to reduce blood sugar spikes that sometimes happen with other fruits from the natural sugar.
Is eating a grapefruit after taking sudafed dangerous to your hea…?
Grapefruit contains glucose. Eating grapes or drinking grape juice increases temporarily the blood glucose. Sudafed is a sympathomimetic drug and so increases blood glucose. .Both jointly cause a sharp rise in blood glucose. But this itself…

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I eat healthy and exercise but i love salt?
Q: From what I’ve read salt is bad when dieting because it causes you to gain water weight but that can be lost just by sweating. So if i eat healthy and exercise will having excess salt cause me to not lose weight, as in fat? For example: if i eat a grapefruit i put salt on it or i put extra salt on my food and eat spicy pepper that has salt in it. How bad is it really to have a lot of salt and how does it affect weight? Thank (-_-) yeah but how is it bad?
A: salt is VERY bad for your heart! it can actually kill you if over time you continue to eat too much of it!! it is also bad for the kidneys & other organs! i suggest laying off the salt for a while. you may like it but i tell NO lie that it causes heart attacks, clogged arteries & death in many cases. Salt also does make your body retain water but no where near enough to make you fat or even make a vast difference in your weight. You would have to eat bucket loads every day to become fat from salt & if you did that, you’d die after one attempt!! no way am i saying, eat NO salt, you can eat it in moderation! that’s the key. the recommended salt intake for every day is about 1tsp or JUST SLIGHTLY more!! so not too much!! i suggest, as a cutting back method, measuring out 1 & 1/4 tsp every morning & putting however much salt that is into a little container. throughout the day, ration your salt & include it in all your meals but once you run out DON’T be tempted to get more. think, salt now and die sooner or less salt, live longer? your choice!! GOOD LUCK!!
How to eat healthy when family wont let me?
Q: How to eat healthy when family wont let me?my mother is always dieting she only eats stuff with no carbs so like lettuce and cheese stuff like that and she doesn’t cook dinner she leaves me to get my own food but she only gets me like junk food and i don’t like it i want to be healthy like i want to start eating oranges and apples strawberry’s grapefruit watermelon melon kiwis and all sorts of stuff like that but my mom just wont buy the healthy foods i want but if i touch “her” food she gets really angry
A: Ask her why she doesn’t want to be healthy or want her daughter to be healthy.
How healthy/beneficial is it to eat a plain fresh grapefruit?
A: Check out this site…
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