Why is monosodium glutamate bad for you

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Why is monosodium glutamate bad for you”,you can compare them.

FDA states MSG is safe when consumed at levels typically used in cooking and food manufacturing. Reports found no link between MSG and long-term health problems, such as Alzheimer’s disease. But some people may have short-term reactions to MSG.ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-is-monosodium-glutamate-bad-for-you ]
More Answers to “Why is monosodium glutamate bad for you
What is Monosodium glutamate?
a salt. that enhances the food flavors. But CAN cause headaches or flushed feelings in defective humans
Is Monosodium Glutamate Bad To Your Health?
The introduction of Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) to the food industry as a flavor enhancer was phenomenal because it is almost found in all canned and frozen foods and predominantly used mostly in fast food and Chinese restaurants. MSG may b…
Why is Monosodium glutamate bad for health ?
MSG (monosodium glutamate) is used in processed foods, fast-foods and Chinese food. It is found in most commercial soups, and soya sauce. MSG has become a staple of the modern food industry. Headache and flushing of the skin, are relatively…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why is Monosodium glutamate bad for health ?
Q: What I mean is whether it is bad for causing heart problems , or does it have other bad effect on the body
A: MSG (monosodium glutamate) is used in processed foods, fast-foods and Chinese food. It is found in most commercial soups, and soya sauce. MSG has become a staple of the modern food industry. Headache and flushing of the skin, are relatively mild side effects. However, later studies have documented more serious and sustained physical problems such as asthma, acute headaches, and life-threatening heart irregularities. Deaths have been reported too. Other symptoms that might seem to be psychological in origin have also been traced to MSG consumption: Extreme mood swings, irritability, depression, and even paranoia. People who react severely to MSG experience almost continual distressing and health-endangering physical and psychological symptoms. Long term consumption may also be a partial cause for developing hypertension.Trans fatty acids from hydrogenated vegetable or fish oils, when consumed in large amounts, increase serum LDL-cholesterol and decrease HDL-cholesterol concentrations. One would expect an increased risk of coronary heart disease from this, so the results are not surprising. Trans fatty acids, which are found in hard margarine, deep fried, processed snacks and food, including fast food and commercially baked products. They are similar in structure to saturated fats, and are known to raise levels of bad cholesterol and decrease good cholesterol level. Regular consumption of the same needs to be stopped. Hydrogenated fats are also called hydrogenated oils or trans fatty acids.
Why do thye say MSG (monosodium glutamate) is bad for you and is MSG worse than salt (sodium chloride)?
Q: Do you know any health risks associated with MSG?
A: MSG Is a flavor enhancer, used in Asia as a salt substitute. It has been documented as an allergen, and a large group of people do have a sensitivity to it. MSG exacerbates migraines, high blood pressure, and panic attacks. It is commonly used in Asian cooking, hence the ailment ” Chinese food syndrome”, when one gets a headchey, bloated feeling after eating Chinese food that was cooked with MSG. Many processed foods also contain MSG, either listed AS MSG, or under the heading “natural flavoring”.
What is the real truth about Monosodium glutamate? If it is bad fo you and it is proven WHY is legal for it t?
Q: to be put in our everyday foods?
A: Like all Sodium salt it causes water retention with all the accompaniments , many of them in a negative and unwanted manner.
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