What nutrients are you lacking if you bruise easily

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Deficiencies of Vit.B12,C,K,or folic acid can increase bruising. Also,some diseases cause bruising as well as supplements & meds. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-nutrients-are-you-lacking-if-you-bruise-easily ]
More Answers to “What nutrients are you lacking if you bruise easily
Why do some people bruise so easily. Is my body nutritionally lac…?
I feel like I am reading my own story except I am a brunette and am 32. I bruise so easily and always have, I never know where they come from either. I know you mentioned you are on meds for muscle pain, have you ever been checked for Fib…

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Why do some people bruise so easily. Is my body nutritionally lacking in some kind of nutrient-maybe?
Q: I eat a very well balanced diet, (and have done so throughout my adult life), yet I have always bruised so easily. (I’m also a very fair skinned, natural blond who burns-not tans). My boyfriend (Donald) had not seen me naked in quite awhile, because I have gained 70 pounds over the past 6 years, and I prefer to hide my body from Donald (as much as possible LOL). Over the past 2 months, I have also been in often excruciating muscle pain that prevents me from engaging in any type of physical intimacy. Last Friday, Donald happened to see me changing, and he started yelling “What’s that big bruise on your butt”? I NEVER look at my own fat butt, so who knows how long the bruise has been there? It’s a giant, ugly bruise, and I do not remember whacking my butt on anything. I’m on medication for muscle pain. I haven’t been drinking. I haven’t been able to exercise at all.When I was in my 20’s I used to periodically get small bruises all over my legs and arms. Back then I used to think that I was dying of cancer. I couldn’t figure out why bruises would just appear on my body ? I didn’t die. It wasn’t cancer, but DO bruises just appear on some people for no reason? Donald may have pinched my butt (not very hard) at some point during the past 2 months… But enough to cause a huge, multi-colored bruise to appear where he pinched? The bruise is bright and looks new. Should people ever worry about bruises? Throughout my 30’s, big ugly bruises used to periodically appear on my butt and legs, but I had little “proof” that I had not bumped into something. I’m almost 40, now.
A: I feel like I am reading my own story except I am a brunette and am 32. I bruise so easily and always have, I never know where they come from either. I know you mentioned you are on meds for muscle pain, have you ever been checked for Fibromyalgia? I was diagnosed with that and I have a vitamin B12 deficiency.You may want to talk to your Dr. about these possibilities. I hope this has helped in some way.
Why do I bruise so easily?
Q: It seems like even the smallest knock can cause a bruise For example, I went out on my jet skii today & did some hard core turns & such, I got home, of course my legs kill, but I find bruises everywere all over my legs. My boyfriend didn’t get bruised up at all. I work as a dog groomer & dogs often kick me or bump into me, that will cause massive bruising also, while other people that work there don’t get any bruises. When I wake up in the morning, there is new bruise & I don’t even remember what I did to cause it. I’m only 20 & I do take Lamictal (anti-seziure medication, I take it as a mood stabilizer. Could this be any significance? Do I lack nutrients? Or am I just unlucky?
A: veryone bruises from times to time. If one is constantly banging against furniture or involved in heavy contact sports, bruises are expected. Some people bruise easily, while others can be knocked about frequently with no apparent bruising. However, there may be some factors to explain why you bruise easily.The amount of fat covering your body may be a contributing factor if you tend to bruise easily. If you do not have an adequate layer of body fat, then bruises will sometimes appear with the slightest knock. This is one of the reasons why some elderly people and children bruise easily. They may not have adequate fat on their arms and legs and may tend to bruise easily in these areas.Bruising occurs when blood vessels under the skin break or burst due to a knock or injury. When damaged, the capillaries leak blood under the skin, and purplish or red bruising results. The colors of the bruise will change as the swelling dies down and the bruise fades.Bruising does not only occur on the skin’s surface. Deeper bruising can affect the tissues and organs. Although you will not be able to see these bruises, they can still swell and cause pain. A doctor should be consulted for any internal injury or pain.Another reason that some people bruise easily is a rare genetic disorder called von Willebrand disease, which prevents the blood from clotting properly. This disorder affects at least 1% of the population. The symptoms of von Willebrand disease include excessive bleeding, especially in the nose and gums. The condition can also cause sufferers to bruise easily, typically in unusual locations. Symptoms of von Willebrand disease can be very mild, and for this reason, the condition often goes undetected. Von Willebrand disease is treated with a medication called Desmopressin.Bruising is not abnormal. In some cases, you may bruise easily for no apparent reason from time to time. The colors of a bruise can sometimes look frightening, but they depend on the severity of the injury. If you experience any bruising that seems unusual, consult a doctor. Bruising can sometimes be a symptom of other illness, such as an irregularity in the liver or the blood clotting mechanism.If you bruise easily due to accidental or sports-related injuries, it is best to limit the amount of bleeding that occurs. This can be achieved simply by applying an ice pack to the area. If you have no ice available, simply take a bag of frozen vegetables from the freezer and apply it to the bruise.
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