What is the average amount of calories you should have in one day

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the average amount of calories you should have in one day”,you can compare them.

If you are a 145 lb, 5’5″ tall, 25 yr old female you need 1812 calories per day to maintain your current weight without exercise. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-average-amount-of-calories-you-should-have-in-one-day ]
More Answers to “What is the average amount of calories you should have in one day
What is the average amount of calories I should consume in one da…?
Well, most females are going to try to take in around 1800 calories a day. But a lot of it depends on how active you are and what types of foods you are eating. If you’re working out and you’re eating healthy foods, like the fruits and vegg…
What is the average amount of calories a pre teen should eat in o…?
That depends on how tall they are, how much they weight and what sex they are. Lookup a BMR calculator, plug in their stats, and you’ll have a rough idea.

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what is the average amount of calories a pre teen should eat in one day?
Q: what is the average amount of calories a pre teen should eat in one day?
A: That depends on how tall they are, how much they weight and what sex they are.Lookup a BMR calculator, plug in their stats, and you’ll have a rough idea.
what is the average amount of calories one should consume in a day?
Q: I am 6’0 and am female 36 yrs and have had a hysterectomy and cant be active because of chronic lung disease and I have a non exsistant metabolism..is there anything other than exercise that I can boost metabolism?
A: You should consume around 2,000 calories a day.
What is the average amount of calories a 12 year old should consume a day?
Q: umm i already know where to find how much calories are in each food i eat (nutricion facts), but do you guys know total, how much should a 12 year old (me) consume every day?EDIT:thanks for the replies. ill try that multiplying thing. i weight 85 lbs. i need to lose weight tho
A: 2,200 calories (approximately).”Older children, teen girls, active women, most meanCalories: 2,200Food Groups Grain group** 9 Vegetable group 4 Fruit group 3 Milk, Yogurt and Cheese group 2 or 3* Meat and Beans group 2, for a total of 6 ounces”Go here: http://fcs.tamu.edu/health/Health_Education_Rural_Outreach/Health_Hints/2004/january/childhood_overweight_part_2.phpAlso check this out: http://www.agnr.umd.edu/MCE/Publications/PDFs/EB366.pdf#search=’12%20year%20oldcalories’
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