What is Quinine? And is quinine dangerous for you

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It is a natural white crystalline alkaloid having antipyretic, antimalarial, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-quinine%3F-and-is-quinine-dangerous-for-you ]
More Answers to “What is Quinine? And is quinine dangerous for you
Is Quinine dangerous can it blind you?
Quinine is a medicine which was used to treat malaria in many developing countries. It has side effects beacuase it can affect eyesight and hearing but now there are more efficient and safer medicines for malaria.
Is quinine in tonic water dangerous or bad for you??
Theoretically, you can overdose on quinine, and it can have serious side effects, including pulmonary edema and heart problems. However tonic water has so little quinine,that you’d have to drink about 50-60 bottles in a single day to have a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Quinine dangerous can it blind you??
Q: Last year my mate had a unfortunate accident with some quinine tables and his eye sight went weird for 6 days and now ive been drinking a lot of vodka tonics lately and my eyes are going a bit mad to because the tonic water contains this quinine stuff. WHAT IS QUININE??!!!
A: Quinine is a medicine which was used to treat malaria in many developing countries. It has side effects beacuase it can affect eyesight and hearing but now there are more efficient and safer medicines for malaria.
Is quinine in tonic water dangerous or bad for you?
Q: I drink a little tonic water every now and I was wondering if that quinine stuff can really hurt you because I hear a lot of people with medical issue who have taken the pill form.
A: Theoretically, you can overdose on quinine, and it can have serious side effects, including pulmonary edema and heart problems. However tonic water has so little quinine,that you’d have to drink about 50-60 bottles in a single day to have any serious side effects. It is not stored in body, so you don’t have to worry about accumulation over time.You only have to be careful if you have severe kidney problems or if you’re pregnant.
Is the quinine in tonic water dangerous?
Q: Every so often I crave the bitter taste of tonic water but today when I bought some an old man said “that’ll do you more harm than good with that quinine stuff”, so is it good bad or what??
A: There is so little quinine in tonic water that you’d have to drink gallons and gallons of the stuff for it to have any effect. You may get headachy…esp if mixed with gin 😉 but no, you’re fine to satisfy your bitter fix.
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