What happens if you eat too much tuna

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Tuna contains a small amount of mercury. Eating too much tuna can result in mercury poisoning. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-you-eat-too-much-tuna ]
More Answers to “What happens if you eat too much tuna
Can you eat too much tuna?
Tuna isn’t the problem. Its the mercury content in the tuna. Mercury is one of those things that can build up to toxic levels in your body. Some suggestions is that you eat no more than a can a week, and no tuna if you’re pregnant. Its not …
Will you die if you eat too much tuna?
you’ll “die” whether you eat tuna or NOT. hypothetically, you can eat (tuna or otherwise) until your stomach bursts, but you have to be pretty determined to do so since your body has defenses against that happening. if you’re refe…
Are You Eating Too Much Tuna?
Posted on January 12, 2009 by Claire Sowerbutt.

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What happens if you accidentally eat a tuna fish bone?
Q: im eating tuna & jacket potato and ive found a few pieces of bone in the tuna :/ this isnt common as i regularly eat tuna, but i got it from a dif. supermarket, so is that why? cause i got it from asda and i normally get it from co-op.anyway, what happens if i accidentally eat one?
A: As long as you are not choking on it, it will pass through you body without harm.
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Q: I read that Christian Bale dropped all that weight for the movie The Machinist by eating nothing but tuna and apples. Is this possible? What happens to your body when you do that?What about the mercury content in the tuna? I was curious if that would affect one’s health?
A: i think your body will be fine. drink lots of water too.
What exactly happens to your body that is bad if you eat tuna everyday?
Q: I want to start a diet that requires me to eat a can of tuna everyday and I heard the mercury is bad for you, but I wanted to know what it will do to my body so I can weigh the risks.
A: ” The types of symptoms reflect the degree of exposure. Paresthesia (numbness and tingling sensations around the lips, fingers and toes) usually is the first symptom. A stumbling gait and difficulty in articulating words is the next progressive symptom, along with a constriction of the visual fields, ultimately leading to tunnel vision and impaired hearing. Generalized muscle weakness, fatigue, headache, irritability, and inability to concentrate often occur. In severe cases, tremors or jerks are present. These neurological problems frequently lead to coma and death.”However ” Eating commercially available fish should not be a problem, day FDA toxicologists. The 1 ppm limit FDA had set for commercial fish is considerably lower than levels of methyl mercury in fish that have caused illness.”So you’re probably okay eating tuna everyday as long as you are not pregnant (b/c the mercury could be really bad for the baby).
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