What are the ingredients to the tea diet

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The Tea Diet includes tasty tea-based meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as tempting choices for midday snacks and sweet treats. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-ingredients-to-the-tea-diet ]
More Answers to “What are the ingredients to the tea diet
Is diet Nestea Iced Tea good to drink? are any of its ingredients…?
Diet anything is bad for you actually. Besides, it has sucralose which is just a fancy word for sugar. And lots of it. It also has artificial sweeteners in it that aren’t good for your stomach. Sodium is a form of salt so that isn’t good fo…

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Does diet iced tea cause a person to gain weight?
Q: A friend of mine says that there are certain chemicals and ingredients in his diet iced tea granules that make him gain weight. Is this true or not and why?
A: well tea is naturally a very healthy calorie free drink with many benefits, however processed and sweeten tea isnt so great. most commercial bottled tea adds sugar to it however diet teas are usually sweeten with aspartame an artificial chemical sweetener with lil or no calories. aspartame has some debate on whether or not it cause cancer but this is getting off topici believe people probably gain weight from drinking artificially sweeten drinks because they arent learning proper eating habits they are still giving into temptations of having sweets therefore their body still craves it and they eat more to compensate for that but thats just my theoryand for the chemicals itself i dont think it actually makes you gain weight that would kinda defeat the purpose of it being “diet” but rather your same diet habits makes you gain weight
does anyone know know any bad ingredients or side effects from snapple diet lemon iced tea?
Q: or is it really all good stuff with no chemicals that may cause damage or harm in the future
A: this drink contains aspertame which is a sweetener and stimulant. It tends to give you dry mouth and make you more thirsty. This ingrediant is used in almost anything labled “diet”.
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