What are ice cream sprinkles made of

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Ingredients can include sugar, corn starch or confectioners wax, dyes for coloring, and a confectioners glaze to make them shiny. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-ice-cream-sprinkles-made-of ]
More Answers to “What are ice cream sprinkles made of
How to make choclate ice cream with sprinkles.?
first get vanilla ice cream and put it in a bowl.put choclate syrup on vanilla ice cream.put sprinkles on top of the choclate syrup. See more stories by Kim Login or register to post comments 50 reads Email this page Printer-friendly versio…
Why do candy sprinkles make ice cream taste so much better??
candy sprinkles is an added addictive drug to make you think the ice cream taste better. candy sprinkles should be federally control substance like any other addictive drug. beware also, continue consumption of candy sprinkles will, and hav…
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

POLL: Why do candy sprinkles make ice cream taste so much better?
A: candy sprinkles is an added addictive drug to make you think the ice cream taste better. candy sprinkles should be federally control substance like any other addictive drug. beware also, continue consumption of candy sprinkles will, and have permanently dyed consumers teeth to various rainbow colors.
sprinkles on your ice cream? si or no?
Q: do you love sprinkles on your ice cream? does it really make ice cream taste better? let me know your opinion and why! (best answer and reason gets a whoppin’ 10 puntos!)
A: ii loveeeeeeeeeee sprinkles!!!!!!!there my favorite part of the ice cream!there awsomeeso i say deffinitlyy siwith out them i problyywouldnt eat the ice creamhahaa im ocd so yeahhi went o dq and they had nosprinkles so instead of ice cream i got waterr :[ahhaaa think it deffinitlyyy is a yes because without them its so boringgg to eat! (ii like rainbow sprinkle oness!
is there ice cream in costco???
Q: im having a big ice cream party, about 100 ppl are coming so im gonna need a lot of ice cream, sprinkles, and all that stuff you need to make ice cream sundaes. so i was wondering if i can get it from costco, and if not then do you where i can get it from
A: Yes, Costco has icecream, but they have alot of bars and popsicles, sandwiches, klondikes, and Haggen Daaz,(which is too expensive for 100 people). I would buy your topping at Costco, like sprinkles, Reddi Whip, cherries, etc, but buy your icecream in a large supermarket. All the big markets sell the neopolitan icecream in large gallon buckets with a handle. Look for it where the icecream is, usually on the bottom of the freezer. I’ve even bought it at Target (and it’s only about $6..and it tastes pretty good too).
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