Is the atkins diet dangerous

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Yes, it has been proven that the Atkins Diet is dangerous. ]Carbs increase body’s production of the hormone insulin, makes fat. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is the atkins diet dangerous
Is the Atkins’ Diet Dangerous?
The Atkins Diet’s success is based on lies and manipulation of facts. Credit: Public Domain Copyright: Public Domain
Is it dangerous to eat about 20 eggs per day? (i’m on the atkins …?
Yes, it is dangerous. And let me make a point here: you lost about 140 pounds the first time, but you are only 23 years old. And now you have gained back enough to want to lose 30 pounds. It sounds to me like the Atkins was not as effective…
Is it dangerous to have alcohol while following Atkins Diet ??
I was 2 weeks on the Atkins diet felt great but lost only 2 pounds – I was very strict during this time even cutting out veggies. Then I went to a wedding and had 3 alcoholic drinks – vodka and water. Then I had a severe episode of hypoglyc…

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Atkins diet – is it really dangerous?
Q: I wanted to try this diet, but I read in some articles that it can cause depression and other health problems.
A: Yes, it is dangerous.The Atkins Diet, and others like it, trigger short-term weight loss through a process called ketosis. Ketosis occurs whenever the body lacks a sufficient supply of carbohydrates, a prime source of energy. During ketosis, carbohydrate-depleted metabolisms turn to other sources, including ketones from stored fat or protein, to satisfy daily energy needs.Ketosis is one of the body’s last-ditch emergency responses; deliberately inducing ketosis can lead to muscle breakdown, nausea, dehydration, headaches, light-headedness, irritability, bad breath, and kidney problems. In pregnancy, ketosis may cause fetal abnormality or death. It can also be fatal in individuals with diabetes! While supporters of the Atkins diet concentrate so much on the fat burning capability of ketosis they neglect to mention that over the long term protein, and thus muscle, is also burned.
Is it dangerous to eat about 20 eggs per day? (i’m on the atkins diet)?
Q: I know that sounds really bizarre, but according to the atkins diet, you’re allowed as many eggs and meats as you can eat, and I’m sorry but I just don’t get full off 2 or 3 eggs…I need 10 scrambled eggs at one sitting to feel satisfied! And I usually eat 10 eggs for breakfast and 10 eggs for dinner, for a total of 20 per day. And ok I know everyone’s going to mention increased risk of heart disease and cholesterol…I know this. But I’m only 23 years old and I don’t plan on doing this for the rest of my life…just until I lose about 30 pounds and then I’ll start a regular diet/exercise program. Trust me, I know what I’m doing because I followed this exact same program before and I lost about 140 pounds total. But the only difference now is that I’m eating WAY MORE eggs than I was the first time around (simply because I don’t have the time to conjure up complicated atkins-friendly meals), and I just want to know if it’s dangerous to eat 20 per day!Thanks for your help!!
A: Yes, it is dangerous. And let me make a point here: you lost about 140 pounds the first time, but you are only 23 years old. And now you have gained back enough to want to lose 30 pounds. It sounds to me like the Atkins was not as effective as all that.A diet that sends your food intake way out of balance with regard to protein, carbs and fats will not help you keep the weight off once you stop using the diet. You will instead gain back quickly, because your body is trying to get the food elements you have been denying it. When you say you do not feel full with three eggs (a big serving by most standards), but need ten at a time, you are saying that your appetite is still way out of control. It is time to talk this over with a doctor, possibly a nutritionist, and possibly a psychologist.Or go to Overeaters Anonymous and learn to apply the 12-step program to your compulsive eating. I lost more than 140 pounds that way, and it took some 20 years to gain it back once I quit the program.
I want to try the Atkins Diet. Is it all is cracked up to be or is it dangerous?
Q: I am overweight and want to lose some weight. I tried loads of things before and I heard Atkins is fab but loads of bad things too. Which do i listen to?
A: For those in this thread that seem to think atkins was a nutcase, they are ill informed. Dr. Atkins touted lean meats, veggies, good oils, nuts seeds etc. He always wrote in his books that low carbing does not mean eating beef jerky and egg yolks all day. He also recommended a good multi vitamin daily. He was adamantly against massive amounts of fats in foods that held no nutritional value. He was a big fan of exercise and spoke of it in every publication he ever wrote. You need to know how your body works to be successful on this eating plan. It is not a diet, it is simply a new way of eating. The atkins plan is not meant to hinder you, but re vamp your way of eating and how you look at food. The human body lives breathes and replicates cells on a cellular level. You need to be aware how your body works on a cellular level. Lets start with your pancreas. It secretes insulin. Insulin is a hormone and a very powerful one. Without it, you would die. Its main job is to lower the blood sugar in your blood. If your pancreas is not working well and your insulin is not being secreted properly you will become very sick. This is how alot of people find out they are diabetics. The human body was never meant to run effeciently on a carbohydrate loaded diet. This is hard on your body and eventually breaks down your pancreas. There are also many different types of carbohydrates, you will need to read up on what is what. I strongly recommend a book written by 2 doctors called * protein power* it is much much more than its title speaks of. Learn what is what and how which kinds work with or against your body and why. This is the only true way to know what you are doing and what you can look to gain or lose from this way of eating. Dr. Atkins never spoke of carbs/sugars being bad for you, he spoke of certain carbs and sugars, not all. He also spoke of listening to your body. He also spoke of the fact that if you are doing his way of eating, you would start at certain level, yet not stay there. This would starve your body. He was adamant that people educate themselves on the hows and whys on a cellular level lowering your sugar intake would have on your body. Educate yourself before starting this way of eating. Know what to look for and what to eat. If you just jump right in and are not aware of what is really good or not and when to up your carb intake, then you might fail. Noone wants that. Heres a freebie, Fiber. It is a carbohydrate. Yet our bodies do not have the proper enzymes to digest it. There for its metabolically inert. Its only function is exercise for our colon. This is just one of many carbs out there. You need to read up on what is what and how they all effect your body. The book I recommended is not written by Dr. Atkins, yet it is based on the same premise. Yet with a bit of a different twist. It is hands down one of the best of many low carb books ive ever read. It is also filled with recipes. In the USA alone the rate of diabetes is staggering. The reason so many people are getting it and getting it early in life is because they are damaging their pancreas to the point of disease. Remember, your pancreas was not meant to be so overloaded as the western diet says it should be. One of the other functions of insulin is a fat storer. It is the main driving force of fat storage in your body. If you have too many carbs/sugars in your diet, your insulin is the driving force on what to do with it all after the necessary functions are carried out, if there is too much left, it puts it to fat storage. Period.Lowering your BAD carb/sugar intake will give your pancreas a needed rest and your body will thank you for it. This is not to say we dont need carbs and sugar. We do to a point, just not as many as you think.
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