How to stay awake during class

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While a two-hours of your least-favorite teacher might bore you , it won’t knock you out unless your body is aching for rest. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to stay awake during class
・ 1 Get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before. Training your body to only sleep at night is essential. ・ 2 Bring some fruit snacks to munch on. It gives you added energy and keeps you actively doing something. ・ 3 Position yourself wel…
Well, first, if you didn’t waste your time asking the question, you’d be done earlier than three. Secondly, you probably should have started your homework earlier. Next, if you’re in high school, chances are you can find someone who has ade…
I remember hearing a story not so long ago of a guy who fell asleep in class. He didn’t wake up until the class was dismissed. Only after he’d gone to the restroom, did he notice the terrible secret-he had a lovely saying written on his fac…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What should I order at Starbucks to help me stay awake during class?
Q: I am currently taking a night class at the university for the first time from 6-10 pm, and I find myself nearly falling asleep. I’m not much of energy drink person, so what should I order from Starbucks to help me stay awake and alert during class? HELP!My friend recommended something with a double shot, but a double shot of what, and what does it go well with? (Incase you haven’t notice, I’m not an avid Starbucks customer)
A: Nothing.Coffee actually gives you a big rush( especially with sugar added) and then in about 20 minutes you start heading down and get tired again.( then you need another).Caffeine works like other drugs ( up then down).I would take a 15 minutes catnap before the class.That use to work for me( if you have the time).
How to stay awake during class?
Q: I try to stay awake during calculus and government but I find myself dozing off no matter how hard. What are some techniques that wake me up and energize me?I know I should sleep more but I can’t because school starts earlier, I have to stay after school because of school tennis team, and taking very hard ap classes that with over 3 hours of homework everyday.
A: I’m the same in AP US History. Drink coffee or energy drinks? Eat a good breakfast? Pinch yourself really hard every time you doze off? Tell your friends to snap you back when you are dozing off? Whatever keeps you paying attention.
What can I do to make myself stay wide awake during class especially in the morning?
Q: I usually sleep around 11pm or maybe later and would wake up at 6:30 am everyday except weekends. Even if i sleep early, i would still be very sleepy during the day. My earliest class starts at 8:30am and whenever I stay in that class i always feel sleepy and would just want to close my eyes but i know i wouldnt do that because i need to pay attention to the lectures. Is there a way for me to stay wide awake during school? I know coffee and caffine maybe one way but i dont want to end up being addicted to it and i cant afford to waste any more money. Any suggestions for a freshman in college?
A: I go to bed around 11 and wake up at 6. My first class is at 7:25. The best thing to do is to eat carbohydrates about 12 hours before you want to have energy (so about 8:30 at night). You can eat some bread, crackers, pasta, etc. Since the structure of carbohydrates is a polymer of glucose, it takes longer for the bonds to break. That is why there is delayed energy. That’s why when most people have sugar, they have a quick burst of energy (monomer bonds break faster). That usually helps me out a little bit. When you eat large breakfasts, you also feel more tired because your body focuses on digesting. In order to stop this, have something light….a banana is what I found works really well. Other than that, I suggest that you try to not mess up your sleeping schedule on weekends. That only makes you more tired because your body has to adjust. What I usually do is allow myself not to sleep past 9 in the morning on weekends and not to go to bed later than 1. Other than that, exercise will usually help you get to sleep earlier so that it is easier to wake up earlier. Try to limit your caffeine intake. Caffeine can remain in your body for about 12 hours, so don’t have caffeine in the afternoon. If you really want a better jump, just have a little bit of caffeine in the morning, but not anything with too much sugar because you will “crash.”
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