How much protein is in a can of tuna

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A 5.8 ounce can of tuna contains 191 calories, 1.4 grams of fat, and 42.1 grams of protein. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How much protein is in a can of tuna
How much protein is in one can of tuna?
It depends on how many servings per can. If it has just one serving, then one can has 13 grams of protein. If it has two, then one can has 26 grams of protein.
How Much Protein Is In Tuna Fish Steaks?
Tuna fish steaks are a wonderful alternative to beef steak or chicken. Tuna steaks are not only a great taste but you know you are feeding your body a highly nutritious food. As well as being an excellent source of protein, tuna also contai…
How Much Protein Is In Tuna Fish (Tinned)?
Tinned tuna fish is just as nutritious as fresh tuna fish which makes it easy to always have a stock of protein power. As rice protein doesn’t contain all the essential amino acids, add tuna and some salad/vegatables to a bowl of brown rice…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How much protein is in one can of tuna?
Q: On the back of the can it has 13 grams. Is that how much I’m getting when I eat one can?
A: It depends on how many servings per can.If it has just one serving, then one can has 13 grams of protein. If it has two, then one can has 26 grams of protein.
Getting my protein sources from Tuna, Whey protein, And egg whites?
Q: usually eat chicken, turkey, beef, salmon along with tuna, whey, and egg whites as my sources for protein, but due to work don’t have time to cook that much. for a month Is it alright for me to eat just tuna, egg whites, and protein powder/protein bars as my sources for protein. Off course im going to eat the healthy fats and complex carbs along with these protein sources. It is really that big a deal if I don’t eat chicken, salmon, beef for a while, do I really need a large variety of protein sources
A: That should be fine except you may get bored with the varieties- Try Whey and Soy protein powder mix with milk for breakfast; and protein cereal, muffins etc.Add chicken that are cooked to avoid overdoing tuna, some even comes in a can for convenience
Would having a hard boiled egg and a pack of tuna be too much protein for lunch?
A: no. protein is good for you. try to get as much as you can.
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