How many calories in a cup of refried beans

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There are 237 calories in one cup of refried beans. Got anymore questions for ChaCha? Text ChaCha for answers! ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories in a cup of refried beans
How many calories are in refried beans? like squished beans??
The amount of calories in one cup of refried beans depends on how you cook them. They can be cooked with no fats, some fat, or with lard. One cup of fat-free refried beans (Seneca Foods), cooked without fats, contains approximately 240 calo…
How many calories in 2 tbsp fatfree refried beans?
30 calories in 2 tablespoons of fat free refried beans. Look at the ingredients and nutrition information. If there are ingredientss other than pintos, salt spices or seasonings this may increase slightly.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many calories are in refried beans? like squished beans?
Q: some websites say 240 calories a cup n some say 440…?i would guess its more calories since theyre squished but i really dont know so help please!
A: The amount of calories in one cup of refried beans depends on how you cook them. They can be cooked with no fats, some fat, or with lard.One cup of fat-free refried beans (Seneca Foods), cooked without fats, contains approximately 240 calories.One cup of traditional refried beans (Seneca Foods) with some fat contains approximately 280 calories (1.5 grams of fat).One cup of refried beans (Seneca Foods) cooked with lard contains approximately 300 calories per cup. (2.5 grams of fat)When meat products are added to refried beans, the calorie count goes up.One cup of refried beans with sausage (El Paso) contains 400 calories and 13 grams of fat.Whatever you choose, choose wisely! Your health (and waistline) will be benefit from the right choice.
How many calories have I had today?
Q: This is what Ive ate today. How many calories do you think?Three grilled/smoked chicken legs. (small)A cup of peas.Half a oreo.One taco with cheese.Half cup of beans. refried.And about a cup of spanish rice. & a pickle.
A: Approx. 804The re fried beans was the biggest calorie intake.The pickle being the smallest.Have anything to drink today? Or just water?
how many calories and grams of fat do you think i ate?
Q: We went out to mexican and being a vegetarian and trying to watch what i eat there wasn’t really much on the small menu. my mom said i should get the chile relleno, which she said wasn’t really fried like i thought it was. but when i got it it was exactly what i thought it would be but there was nothing else on the menu so i just kept it.I took off all the fried stuff and just at the pepper (which was about 5in long) and the cheese. i also ate the tomatoe base sauce on top and about 1/4 cup of the rice and 1/4 cup of black refried beans.i feel disgusting, could someone please tell me an estimation of how many calories and grams of fat were in what i ate?thank you
A: You can have it figured for you on this website: It will break down all of the calories by protein, fat, and carbs.
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