How does water help the human body

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In nursing school, I learned water will make you become hypovolemic. This means when there’s no fluid for your cells,they’ll die. All body systems are made of cells, without water within days you will die. But you can live weeks without food. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does water help the human body
How does human body use water?
We humans sweat to use the water. It is supposed to cool us down.
What percentage of the human body is water?
The human body is made up of 65% water.
How much water is in the human body?
The human body is 65 percent water, and it takes an average of eight to ten cups to replenish the water our bodies lose each day. How much water a person needs depends largely on the volume of urine and sweat lost daily, and water needs are…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Where does the human body store water?
Q: Recently I realized I am not drinking enough water, so I gradually increased my water intake, and now I am drinking 10 cups of water a day, and feeling great!I am naturally tall and thin, I have a flat stomach. When I started drinking water, I thought I would gain weight and look heavier. I did gain a little bit of weight, but my stomach is still flat. Where does the body store water, or does it automatically get stored into your cells with excess water leaving through urine?
A: Hon, your whole body is part water.It makes up our cells, makes up our blood plasma smooths and brightens our skin, and flushes out the toxins our body passes through it. And I’m sure it does so much more.Water is always being processed through our bodies in some way, shape, or form. That’s why it requires a lot everyday. It’s in constant use. If we don’t get enough water, our body will store it up, but if we get enough water…it releases what was stored. I know that if I drink too much water, my body does tend to store it more as well. I was drinking quite a bit over 100 ounces a day, which for me…we good, but if I go too much over body tends to store, more than let loose. Not everyone does that, but some people do.
what does hot water do to the human body?
Q: i need to know what hot water does to the human body!!!what does it do to your cells?
A: It improves your immune function. And opens up your cells.
How much does the human body weigh in water?
Q: We know that the body is made of 60% water. How much does the body weigh in water? Is there a way to calculate this?
A: The human body is made of 70% water, although gravity has the same pull the weight in the water of the body is about 1/4th of the weight on the ground..☺
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