Does eating Jello make your hair grow

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Does eating Jello make your hair grow”,you can compare them.

Eats lots of Jello it’s good for you and your hair & nails, and not fattening. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does eating Jello make your hair grow
Does eating jello make your hair grow?
Jello (or gelatin) is often credited for faster growing hair or fingernails. While it won’t speed up hair growth, gelatin (and yogurt, for the above responder) contains protein, which will improve the strength of your hair, which may make i…
Does eating jello make your hair grow faster?
no hahah I wanted to make my hair grow fast last year cause I wanted a longer style, so I looked online for something to help me. I eventually ended up at the website So I bought the guide (which didn’t cost much)…
Does eating Jello really make your hair grow faster??
Actually we know a good deal about the chemistry of hair. The protein that hair is made of is called keratin. It is the same substance that makes up your nails as well as the horn of rhinos. Jello is made from gelatin which is similar in st…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does eating jello make your hair grow?
Q: My aunt used to tell me eating gelatin would make your hair grow faster. Has anyone ever heard this?
A: Jello (or gelatin) is often credited for faster growing hair or fingernails. While it won’t speed up hair growth, gelatin (and yogurt, for the above responder) contains protein, which will improve the strength of your hair, which may make it appear to grow faster. There is nothing that will make it grow faster, that is regulated by the folicles.
Does eating Jello make your hair grow faster? Why?
Q: Does eating Jello make your hair grow faster? How much Jello do you have to eat for a noticable effect? Do other foods make your hair grow?
A: It’s not the Jello itself, but the gelatin that helps hair and nail growth. You can take a gelatin supplement. That would be better then eating a bunch of Jello, which has a lot of sugar and dye. Also a calcium and magnesium supplement would help.
Does eating jello make your hair grow faster?
A: it helps, a cube a day they say the gelatin in it is good for your hair. It wont make it grow super fast but it helps.
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