Does apple cider burn fat

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The earliest proponent of apple cider vinegar for weight loss was Jarvis, who wrote that people who consumed apple cider vinegar regularly would burn fat instead of store it. Although some say that the pectin, enzymes, vitamins, or potassium may help …more? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does apple cider burn fat
Does apple cider vinegar burn fat?
I have been reading on it and the websites with the diet pills trying to make you buy them to lose weight, swear it works and it’s a miracle drug. However, the sites that have facts with no intentions of selling weight loss drugs say that t…
Does apple cider vinager burn fat?
nothing burns fat. burning=combustion reaction. theres no combustion reaction going on with the calories in your body so no it doesnt “burn” fat.
How to Burn Fat Off With an Apple Cider Diet
This article talks about how effective an apple cider diet (a diet which includes apple cider vinegar) is in helping to burn fat off. It also explains how/when apple cider should be taken in order for it to be effective in bringing about we…

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does apple cider vinger or eatring spicy food burn fat?
Q: .. if not what does & how can i flatten my stomach at least by 2 weeks not flattt! but flatter!i know excercising..
A: Exercising burns fat, eating vinegar or spicy foods doesn’t.
do apple cider vinegar help burn fat?
Q: is this true?im 14,140 and 5’3 and need to burn fat if its true
A: not one bit…what vinegar does is it lowers the glycemic effect of a high carbohydrate meal. so what does that mean? when any food is consume whether if it’s a protein, carbohydrate or fat blood sugar increases. the rate at which blood sugar increased depends on the glycemic index of that food. proteins cause the least increase in blood sugar and insulin, then fats and carbs cause the greatest increase in both. so by taking 1 tablespoon of vinegar after/during a high carb meal the glycemic load of the meal is reduced. with blood sugar increasing slower less insulin is secreted so the potential for fat storage is vinegar does not directly cause fat burning but it helps to control insulin levels. controlling insulin is the key to reducing the body fat.
Does apple cider vinegar really work?
Q: Hey, I’ve read a lot about apple cider vinegar and its “diet” effects. It’s supposed to burn fat or something. No, I’m not trying to lose weight (my bmi is 18 xD), but I was wondering if there is any truth to this. Thanks!
A: I do travel a bit with my job, and lord knows I have had some bad food, and it is true that if I coat my stomach with this on my trips I seem to break down food better, and have not been sick since incorporating it to my travel bag, I take it in AM then again just past lunch… As for helping you loose weight I will say I seem to burn through the food in my stomach faster when I am on it. In other words I have a healthy appetite and don’t gain any weight in doing so!
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