Can you give me facts about the lemming

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Lemming is a rodent related to the mouse. The brown or common lemming (genus Lemmus) lives in Arctic regions of both hemispheres. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you give me facts about the lemming
What are three unique facts about a lemming animal?
are said to commit suicide (they dont) Three types Can live in artic
Is it a myth or fact the lemming commit suicide by jumping off cl…?
It is a myth with some basis in reality. Lemmings have a population cycle of about 4 years. Starting with small numbers one year, each year they multiply more, until one year there is a superabundance of lemmings. Food becomes scarce for th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it a myth or fact the lemming commit suicide by jumping off cliffs?
A: It is a myth with some basis in reality. Lemmings have a population cycle of about 4 years. Starting with small numbers one year, each year they multiply more, until one year there is a superabundance of lemmings. Food becomes scarce for them. They are overpopulated, so they start migrating looking for more space and more food, in very large groups. They do not commit suicide, but the nature of their travels is such that they sometimes fall down a cliff in some numbers (not all of them) or attempt to swim across a body of water, resulting in considerable mortality. Lemmings can swim, but if the water is too wide they won’t make it. As the lemming population increases, the population of their predators increases too, so that more are killed.Ultimately there are only small numbers left. The following year they start out with this small number and begin to build up the population again.
Many Democrats Cite The 9/11 Commision For Proofs And Facts . .. . . O-K , Then What Do You Think About This ?
Q: The 9/11 Commission stated that President Bush did NOT lie about WMD’s . Check it yourself . So why are there so many confused, distorted, and misled people who believe otherwise ? Could it be those people are lemmings for biased/lying media outlets ?While awaiting trial , Saddam Hussein said that he himself lied about WMD’s to frighten the USA and the rest of his adversaries . A gross miscalculation at the very least . However there are also reports now surfacing that when Israel bombed that nuke site in Syria recently that several of the components were from Iraq and had been smuggled across the border in the early days of the war . But back to the point – If you ever give credence to the 9/11 Commission Report then logic dictates that you also believe the 9/11 Commission when they say President Bush did NOT lie about WMD’s . So. … . Do You Believe the 9/11 Commission Report or not ?And if not , then who and what the heck do you believe ?
A: Can you cite which page this is on? BTW here is the report for your reference. If you cannot cite the page, I will just assume you are making it up.
Why do so many people just watch TV to form their opinions without researching actual facts?
Q: We have become a nation of lemmings. CNN spins it their way. Hardball should be called “fellatio” especially if a Dem is on. Olberman should just go back to sportscasting (he can take the yellow short bus back). Jon Stewart is a COMEDIAN not a source of info. Alex Baldwin is an ACTOR who is bitter because his father lost an election to a Republican many years ago. These are not news sources, but are always cited. why?
A: This entitlement generation we have raised is more concerned about self gratification then anything else. So many today are only worried about whats in it for them and how they can get all they can for the least amount of work.Hell, I would be happy if half of them would even watch the news or scan maybe one news paper article a day. Go ask your average college kid to name the speaker of the house or maybe the Secretary of state. They probably cant. But they can tell you everything about Britney Spears…. Or that stupid American Idol.Remember, friends. When education fails this country fails. Get educated about your great land and what you can do to keep her strong!
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