Can you get sick from taking too many vitamins

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get sick from taking too many vitamins”,you can compare them.

Yes, you can get sick from taking too many vitamins. The symptoms will vary depending on the kind of vitamin and amount taken. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get sick from taking too many vitamins
Is it possible to get sick from taking too many vitamins?
Toxicity levels for vitamins are generally very high and it would be very hard to make yourself sick by overdosing on vitamins. On the other hand, not having enough of any of the US RDA essential vitamins and minerals will lead to illness. …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why would someone get sick from taking vitamins?
Q: I always take vitamins with food, but sometimes when I take some vitamins I get sick like thirty minutes later. With others, I can take them for a few days before I get sick. I figure it has something to do with levels of something, but I don’t know what. Please help if you can.I throw up. Right now I’m in a vigorous university program and I don’t get to eat lunch three times a week so that is why I thought that a multi-vitamin might be needed.
A: Too much of a good thing is bad. If you eat a well-balanced diet there is LITTLE need to take extra vitamins and the extra vitamins can hurt you.When you say ‘sick’ what do you mean? Nauseated? vitamin overdose is more of a concern with the fat soluble vitamins – vitamin a, vitamin k and vitamin e – as these are stored in the tissues of the body.Water soluble vitamins are excreted. Minerals can be taken in excess as they are also stored.The individual B vitamins, if taken in excess, can lead to an imbalance with the other B vitamins. For this reason, its best to take a vitamin b complex unless you are advised otherwise. If supplementing with single B vitamins, like vitamin B6 to help with pms, take it with a vitamin B complex to minimiZe any imbalances caused.What are the symptoms of a vitamin overdose? *Vitamin A overdose:Blurred vision, dizziness, ringing in the ears, headache, insomnia, irritability, apathy, stupor, skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, joint pain, menstrual irregularities, fatigue, liver damage, abnormal bone growth, damage to the nervous system *D vitamin overdose:Calcium deposits, deafness, nausea, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, kidney stones, weak bones, hypertension, high cholesterol *E vitamin overdose:Pulmonary embolism, hypertension, muscular weakness, severe fatigue, breast tenderness, slow wound healing *Niacin vitamin overdose:Acute flushing, peptic ulcers, liver dysfunction, gout, faintness, dizziness, tingling of fingertips, arrythmias, hyperglycemia *learn the signs of a vitamin overdoseB6 vitamin overdose: Problems with sense of position and vibration, reduced tendon reflexes, numbness in hands and feet, problems walking, problems with memory, depression, headache and tiredness *C vitamin overdose:Taking megadoses for too long may lead to scurvy when megadoses are discontinued, kidney stones, hot flashes, headache, insommnia and tiredness. * Calcium overdose: Depresses nerve function, can cause drowsiness, calcium deposits, and kidney stones * Iron overdose: Damages liver, heart, and pancreas * Zinc overdose: Fixed facial expression, difficulty walking, slurred speech, hand tremor, involuntary laughter * Cobalt overdose: Goiter, heart damage * Selenium overdose: Nausea, vomitting, fatigue, irritability, loss of fingernails and toenails
Why is it that my baby always gets sick after taking vitamins for a few days?
Q: Every time I start my 19-month old on vitamins she gets sick a few days later. It always starts with her throat and tonsils and eventually it leads to her trhowing up and having a horrible cold. Could she be allergic to the vitamins or is this normal? As I said earlier, she starts to get sick about 4 days after taking vitamins. I just thought this was weird.
A: I would try switching the brand of vitamin.
Pregnant and too sick to take prenatal vitamins?
Q: I took my prenatal vitamins for 6 months before we conceived and then still religiously up until about a month. I’m 11 weeks pregnant and for the last month I haven’t been taking them regularly as not only have I been really sick, but they make me feel worse. I try to force myself to take them every second or third day as I don’t want my baby to suffer. Is it a big deal if I can’t take them every day? The minute I’m feeling better, of course, I’ll start taking them again.
A: No it is not a big deal in not taking them when I was pregnant I would take them every day for the first month or two then just the smell of them would make me feel so sick so I stopped taking them and my son is fine.
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