Are there any calories in a pickle

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Are there any calories in a pickle”,you can compare them.

Yes, one cup of sliced or chopped dill pickles contains 17 calories. Have a great day and thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are there any calories in a pickle
How many calories does a pickle have?
zero: pickles have no calories at all
Why do pickles have zero calories?
Pickles do have calories.It’s like 5 calories per a pickle,But the companies are allowed to put zero Cals. on the jar b/c you supposedly burn that many chewing it.Just remember they have a lot of sodium & if a lot is eaten it will cause…
Do pickles really have zero calories?
And really, if you try to get to 50 calories eating pickles, you’d probably end up Unless you’re James Simmons. Remember him, Ray?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are there any calories in pickle juice?
Q: Just wondering beacause I add it to my tuna salad.
A: No, there’s an insignificant number of calories in pickle juice (mostly vinegar). Zero fat, too.
How can a pickle have 0 calories? Are there any other veggies that do?
A: Afraid not, but they are low in calories..
How many calories in a home made average sized pickle?
Q: I was in a group on another site.. And they are saying that Home Made Pickles have almost no calories.. Due to less presertives, and other ingredents in them..I have never been on a dite in my life and don’t need one but made me courious.. I would like to know how many are in them?
A: go to and put in your recipe it will give you a label for your recipe
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