Why would a woman get a hysterectomy

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Why would a woman get a hysterectomy”,you can compare them.

One reason a woman would get a hysterectomy is because she has cancer of the uterus or ovaries. “ChaCha!” [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-would-a-woman-get-a-hysterectomy ]
More Answers to “Why would a woman get a hysterectomy
Why would a woman get a hysterectomy
One reason a woman would get a hysterectomy is because she has cancer of the uterus or ovaries. “ChaCha!”
How young can women get a hysterectomy
Hysterectomy is a scary word for many women. Unfortunately, a number of women will have to face the prospect of having one, and consequently ignorant about the facts surrounding hysterectomy. Not many women knows what exactly a hysterectomy…
Can a woman who had a full hysterectomy get genital warts??
You can only get genital warts by having sexual relations with someone who has genital warts. The warts are caused by a virus that is spread in the same manner as AIDS is. Whatever parts of the body the virus comes in contact with the virus…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Hysterectomy question ?
Q: Why would a women get a hysterectomy?
A: well there is different reasons why a woman gets a hysterectomy. some women gets hysterectomies cause they don’t want anymore kids & cause they have to due to medical reasons.
Why don’t women get mastectomies and hysterectomies BEFORE they get cancer?
Q: It would sure save a lot of trouble later on. And yes, if I saw my father die from testicular or prostate cancer, I would go ahead and get them taken out before I get cancer too.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070508/ap_en_ot/obit_blowI’m sorry, but if I potentially had a couple of a cancer bags on my chest and a cancerous hole down there, I would get everything taken out so I wouldn’t get cancer. You don’t need breasts and reproductive organs after you have kids.Seriously, if I was a woman, and I did not plan on having anymore children, I would just get a mastectomy and a hysterectomy so I wouldn’t get cancer later. I would have breast reconstructive surgery so my appearance stayed normal, and I would take hormones so I wouldn’t grow a mustache. If I was over 50, I would have my testicles and prostate removed and just take hormones. People over 50 do not need to be having sex, anyway.
A: Well, then who would propagate the human species? Apes like you??!!Good thing I’m in a “quiet” mood.When have you ever been judged by your breast size, or your ability to give birth?You WOULD give up your balls…HAHAHA…sounds to me like they’ve already been taken away, if you dare to ask a question like this.You can’t say what you would or wouldn’t do….
Why does a man need wife to sign for him to get vasectomy but she can get hysterectomy without him signing?
Q: I was reading another question on YA and this thought came to mind. About 7 or 8 years ago I thought about get a vasectomy and had discussion with my doctor and was told that my wife would have to sign a form basically agreeing that I could get one. But because of some other medical issues wife had she got a hysterectomy and no it wasn’t to prevent future kids it was because of another medical issue. But I presented the question to her that did I need to sign anything before she got the hysterectomy. I was told that husband doesn’t need to be consulted if a women wants a hysterectomy (tubed tied or whatever). So my question why is a man has to get wife’s permission for a medically permanent birth control and women does not?No thats my point I asked the doctor that same question and was told even if she would have come in to get tubes tied I wouldn’t have need to be consulted. Now in my case she had way more done and it was medically necessary but has bugged me a little the double standard even if it was just a tubes tied I had no input or would not have needed my input for them to proceed.
A: I’m going to have to sign a release so that my husband can get his vasectomy? Thanks for the heads up! I might’ve had to stay home with the kids and he would’ve missed the appointment!The only logical reason I could think of is that a husband could have it done and never tell his wife, so that she could find someone else who also desired a family. If a woman gets her tubes tied, she wouldn’t be able to hide it from the husband. I really don’t think it should be the doctor’s responsibility to make sure the spouse was informed, but I can definitely see how it could be traumatic for a woman to spend years trying to have a child with a man that had been sterilized.That was just a guess. It could just be one of those outdated rules still lingering from the religious days from fear of fruitless intercourse being a sin toward God.I have no idea, but I imagine it could easily be changed if a man would stand up and do something about it. I can think of a few other rights that men really need to start fighting for. Women had to fight for our rights. Nothing changes without action.
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