Who is the youngest girl ever to have breast cancer

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Some can be as young as 20. That’s not good. If you have any other questions, just Cha Cha away. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-is-the-youngest-girl-ever-to-have-breast-cancer ]
More Answers to “Who is the youngest girl ever to have breast cancer
Who is the youngest girl ever to have breast cancer
Some can be as young as 20. That’s not good. If you have any other questions, just Cha Cha away.
Can young girls get breast cancer?
None of the things you describe are breast cancer symptoms. And the chances of breast cancer at 20 are very nearly zero. Breast cancer is almost unheard of in under 25s, and fewer than 0.1% of all those diagnosed with it are under 30. Only …
How important is diet for young girls in families with a history …?
The foods girls eat while in pre-school and grade school appear to have an important effect on breast cancer risk later in life. Researchers at Harvard have discovered that girls who eat more protein from animal sources and less protein fro…

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Have you ever known someone who has suffered from non-breast and non-prostate cancer?
Q: A friend of mine (a young friend – she’s in her early 20s) was diagnosed a couple of months ago with a form of sarcoma. When she was diagnosed, the cancer had already reached stage 4; her survival chances are low, and she’s already gone through several dangerous complications which, even if she survives them, will leave her permanently crippled.Incidentally, she recognized the symptoms of this cancer nearly a year before she was diagnosed (she didn’t recognize it as cancer, but had been in and out of doctor’s offices for a year before one finally recognized it as sarcoma – and she’s not the type to complain idly) – most of her previous doctors assumed it was some kind of back problem, and she had been sent to chiropractors a couple of times. It was finally recognized as cancer when it started to migrate near her breasts, where abnormal tissues started to serve as warning flags for doctors.Another family friend died a few years ago of lung cancer; it was also stage 4 when diagnosed. Incidentally, she was given extremely high survival rates when it was first diagnosed as breast cancer; these rates plummeted when her doctors realized that the mass was sitting a little further back than they first found.It seems that the medical community files cancer into about four categories: breast cancer, prostate cancer, “the patient’s own fault” cancers (e.g. lung cancer and liver cancer, which are assumed to be caused by smoking or drinking, even if they aren’t), and “other” cancers (which, not being as politically popular as breast cancer or prostate cancer, draw very little funding and attention from medical specialists). If you’re unfortunate enough to have a type that’s not breast or prostate cancer, your doctors either actively think you deserve to die, or they’re just completely in the dark about diagnosing and treating your cancer.Has anyone else suffered losses from the politicization of cancer? Does it p*ss anyone else off that people with the wrong kind of cancer tend to have dismal chances of being diagnosed or treated properly, because cancer has become politicized so all the resources go to the types that can be used to help our little “boys vs. girls” fights?
A: Ive had family members die from liver cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, skin cancer, brain cancer and stomach cancer. Ive had family members that have survived breast cancer, cervical cancer and uterine cancer. Do I think these people were treated better? No, not really. These types of cancer are far more common and therefore have far more early detection tests in place. They were all in parts of the body that can be removed without killing the patient. Because I’ve been highly involved in the Relay for Life (American Cancer Society’s signature event) for the past 8 years I have met people who have survived all sorts of cancer.
Suicide, depression, songs of hope? Advice?
Q: My Best friends mom died from breast cancer 2 years ago, her uncle commited suicide last year by sliting his throat in an open field. Her Dad is a strict Catholic man who convinces himself everything is fine and dandy with their family. Her 2 sisters and brother have left for college and she is left alone, the only girl with two younger brothers, basically taking the role of mom. She supports herself financially paying for everything an working everyday. She has told me of times she used to cut and how she recently is back on that path. She also used to be belemic during the summer. Her grades are suffereing and she can’t seem to take test anymore. She goes to group sessions with girls her age and also single sessions with a therapist who thinks she has post traumatic stress because things like that are happening, also anger, anxiety, and short temper. Her dad again convinces himself everything is fine, her therapist wants to get her tested, her dad says no because it will show up on her record? She hates her life, and she has a reason to. She is my sister, we’ve been best friends for six years and known eachother our entire lives. She wants to give up, she says shes thought about death, and even wrote her own suicide note. Im convinced she will never do it because we have talked about it and she told me herself.I dont know what to do anymore.. Her dad is crazy. She is depressed. All I can do is tell her everything will be okay but it’s not, things just see to get worse. I dont know what I would do with out her . Advice? Please? Have you ever been in her position? What helped? We both have a passion for music Do you guys have any songs in mind ya know hopeful ones to keep pushing? We love alternative,pop, acoustic, punk, rock, and country the most. Thanks everyone. To be honest I think I have done all that I can.. And her dad? It’s another long story, but something much further from just in denial. He see’s piercing as a sign from the devil. He won’t let her talk to guys online. He convinced her that Heaven is only a place of hapiness and that even if she does pray her mom won’t hearbecause why would her mom want to see her daughter sad? He tells her my parents are annoyed of her, and that shes over way to often. He expects her to be perfect. I dont know It’s small/weird things liek that. But Yes I’ve thought about talking to her older sister about this, and also I’ve talked to her about cutting ect. I dont know. But Thank you all so much this means so much.. seriously. Also the songs are awesome hah
A: While I have never been in a position quite like what you’ve described, I do know one song that seems to be exactly what you’re looking for:This Is A Call – Thousand Foot Krutch:”She fooled all her friends into thinking she’s so strongBut she still sleeps with the light onAnd she acts like it’s alright on.And she smiles again as her mother lies there sick with cancerAnd her friends don’t understand herShe’s a question without answers who feels like falling apart. And she knows she’s so much more then worthlessShe needs to find a purposeShe’s wonder what she did to deserve thisAnd she’s calling out to you, this is a call, this is a call out. ‘Cause every time I fall down, I reach out to you. And I’m losing all control now, and my hazard signs are all out. I’m asking you to show me what this life is all about.”I have never found a song that helps more than this one. I hope things look up for you soon.~Tiger
what do you think of my favourite names?
Q: I’m not pregnant at all, i’m still a teenager i just love names and have since i can remember i have thought of millions of combos over the years and was just wanting some feedback on the names i love atm, i’m open to suggestions but most of my names have special meanings to me. I am aware that my partner may not like all the names i like, but in a perfect world, he would let me name the children and just agree and love the names to begin with haha. Sorry in advance about the reasons i like these names, i seem to get some flack with some of the choices because people think they are to out of date or not nice for girls, but i personally don’t mind, they have strong connections behind them and that means alot to me.GIRLS:Caroline Susan Tenielle ‘Ollie’Caroline is one of my oldest and best friends middle names, i am also the godmother of her beautiful son and thought this would be a nice way to incorporate her into my future childrens lives. The meaning in Latin is also Beautiful Woman and in French it means Song of Happiness which i both find nice. Susan is my mothers middle name, and i like that the meaning is lily as they are one of my favourite flowers. Tenielle is my middle name.Rosalie Matilda Jayne ‘Rosie’My Paternal great grandmothers second middle name is Rose which has already been used in the family so i thought Rosalie was a nice way to remember her, i am also a big fan of the twilight series, but i loved this name long before i ever read the books. Matilda is because i am Australian and i think it has a very Australian feel to it due to the Waltzing Matilda song. Jayne is my sisters middle name and i also love that it means gift from god in hebrew.Isabella Audrey Joyce ‘Bella’ Once again my Paternal great grandmothers middle name was Isabel, but i prefer Isabella. Audrey is my paternal grandmothers name. Joyce is my maternal grandmothers middle name and i like the english meaning of Cheerful.Evangeline Mattea Ames ‘Evie’Evangeline in greek means good news and i think that’s kind of sweet. Mattea is for no particular reason, i just really love the name and the way it sounds. Ames is my other best friends last name, i chose her last name because her first name is to creative and common for my taste and her middle name although beautiful doesn’t really flow well with my other favourite names, i also adore that in french it means friends and in latin it means loves.Emmeline Luna Joy ‘Emme’Emmeline and Luna are just names i fell in love with and Joy is my paternal grandmothers nickname, she’s been called that since she was a child even though her name is Audrey, it’s already been used three times in my family as middle names, once by my late aunty who passed away from breast cancer when i was quite young, and two of her children have given their daughters Joy as middle names, i think it’s a nice way to remember both my aunty and my grandmother.BOYS:Joshua Allan McKenzie ‘Josh’ -Joshua is just a name i have always loved. Allan McKenzie are family names that have been in my family for generations, i know most people think of McKenzie as a females name now, but i would prefer to keep it going down the line of males in my family and i love that the scottish meaning of Allan is the cheerful handsome one. Samuel Theodore Ross ‘Sam’I love the movie I Am Sam, everytime i watch it i think what an amazing father and man, so that’s where Samuel came from. Theodore is greek for divine gift and Ross is my fathers second middle name.William Daniel Matteo ‘Will’William in french means determined protector which i think is a really strong nice meaning for a male name. Daniel was a dear friend of mine who passed away at 16 and i just like Matteo.Alfred Hemingway Jude ‘Alfie’Alfred is my maternal grandfathers middle name and i love the nickname Alfie, Alfred Hitchcock is also one of my favourite directors. Hemingway is after Ernest Hemingway and Jude is because i am a very very big beatles fan and is an omage to the song Hey Jude.Lennon Huntly James ‘Len/LJ’Lennon is one again because of my beatles obsession for John Lennon. Huntly is my maiden name and James is for James dean.Please give me your honest opinions on my names and once again 1000 times sorry about the long descriptions.
A: I think that the nicknames look awfully silly. How do you know if someone fits a middle name until you see them? Why give a child a name if you don’t even want to USE that name? I’m also not a fan of lengthy names. It sounds pretentious – which works for the royal family, but just makes me cringe for those of us in the proletariat.
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