Who can get cancer

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Who can get cancer”,you can compare them.

Cancer can affect anyone, but it mainly affects older people. But different types are more likely to affect people at different ages – some are quite common, others are very rare. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/who-can-get-cancer ]
More Answers to “Who can get cancer
According to the American Cancer Society, anyone. Since incidence rises with age, most cases affect adults in mid-life or older. An estimated 1,368,000 people were diagnosed with cancer in 2004. More than 18 million new cancer cases have be…
Anyone can develop cancer but the risk of being diagnosed with cancer increases as individuals age. About 77% of all cancers are diagnosed in persons 55 and older. Cancer researchers use the word “risk” in different ways, most commonly expr…
Cancer is often thought to be something older people get. But cancer does sometimes affect kids and teenagers.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can someone get lung cancer who never smoked?
Q: And why is there no treatment? My mom just told me that her neice (my cousin) is dying of lung cancer…but she never smoked a day in her life (although I believe my uncle did.) I don’t really know her all that well but it still makes me very sad. She’s got a little girl with a disability and two other kids as well. I just dont understand how this happened!The town she lives in has cean air as it’s a medium sized town. The doctor also only gave her a year and said there is no treatment for her.
A: This is very sad and unfortunate, sorry for this news you’ve received. My MIL had lung cancer and she never smoked either, neither did her husband. However some of her kids did and when they visited she never discouraged them from smoking in the house. Also, she used to enjoy a wood stove 🙂 and when families were over and babies needed changing she’d shove the diapers in the wood stove…she also gardened and used Purlite in the soil and with all of these combined, the doctors believed that it was the carsenagenics that were in all these things that resulted in her cancer.Her father however died of throat cancer and this was always a severe fear she had…that she’d get cancer. She was a sweet lady. I now have a brother in law (her son) suffering from this as well. Chemo, radiation, medications…she may be okay if they have it on time and are more aggressive than the disease is. I hope she fights this and lives a long and happy life. My MIL lived for 7 years after diagnosis, my BIL is doing well, was treated about 4 years ago and no sign of return as of yet.Wish her the best
I have a friend with Cancer, who has lost half his weight with not eating. How can I get him to eat?
Q: He is having Kimo and has lost so much weight. His appetite has gone and his taste is now very simple. Is there any one out there with a similiar prediciment? Would appreciate some help to keep this man alive. Thanks, Simon
A: I suggest French Vanilla or Bavarian Cocoa Meal Shake. Many times people lose their appetite and have problems keeping food down during chemo. Folks have been very successful tolerating these meal shakes. Key ingredients are milk protein, vitamins, minerals and calcium.Hope this is helpful and feel free to contact me with questions.
Can you get cancer from sleeping with someone who does?
Q: Guy that im really into has cancer but its in ramission or whatever but hes still going through radiation and stuff. Anyway can you be phyical with someone who has cancer? Is there anything that I should know?
A: No, you won’t get cancer from sleeping with someone who has cancer. Cancer is not contagious and you can’t “catch it” from someone else. If you want to be physical with this guy and he’s up to it with the chemo and radiation – more power to both of you!Of course, as you would with anyone whether they have cancer or not, be careful and use safe sex practices. Also, it is probably wise not to be intimate immediately after radiation because there might be some residual radiation. He probably won’t feel like it then anyway.For information about cancer and being close to someone who has cancer go to the links below.
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