What decreases the effects of marijuana

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Marijuana smoke contains some of the same cancer-causing compounds as tobacco, sometimes in higher concentrations. Just Say No! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-decreases-the-effects-of-marijuana ]
More Answers to “What decreases the effects of marijuana
Do antidepressants decrease the effects of marijuana?
They do not play nice together. That’s for certain. The interactions between marijuana and conventional antidepressants in the reuptake inhibitor class can be quite unusual. Everything from panic attacks to depersonalization. To be honest s…
Does marijuana increase or decrease the effects of ecstasy??
it actually doesnt increase OR decrease the affects. when ur rollin and u smoke u dont feel high of weed u still just feel high of ecstasy no matter how much weed u smoke. its fun to smoke weed and cigarettes while rollin though it feels go…

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What are the sexual side-effects of marijuana on women?
Q: I’ve heard in men it can increase estrogen levels, leading to large man-boobs and decreased penis size. But are the effects the same for women? In them more estrogen would seem to be a good thing, right? Does it help their labito?
A: Honey, don’t to drugs. It’s that simple
How can I stop a panic attack after smoking marijuana?
Q: I used to smoke all of the time and not have any anxiety. Nowadays, I have been getting pretty bad panic attacks every now and then after I smoke marijuana. I want to know what I can do to decrease the effects of the panic attack if I feel it coing on right after I smoke. Is there a certain type of weed to smoke or device to smoke out of that will smooth out the effects?
A: sounds like your smoking sativa, next time you buy ask for indica it will give you a more mellow high
Is it plausible that Marijuana’s side effect of decrease motivation is not actually detrimental?
Q: Just thinking outside the box here…Many studies worldwide and even by our own FDA have found that many previous conceptions of the “ill side effects” of Marijuana are indeed false. Most notably, the misconception that Marijuana kills brain cells. http://paranoia.lycaeum.org/marijuana/facts/mj-health-mythology.htmlWhat I’m wondering is, why is the lack of motivation considered an “ill side effect”?Perhaps it is the “human condition” that is the side effect of living in this high pressured world of materialistic ownership and status enhancement. Could it be possible that the lack of motivation people experience when high is actually a similar benefit, akin to the helpful anti-anxiety and increased appetite experienced by smokers when using prescribed medicinal Marijuana?
A: i agree with you on some level….some could stand a bit of decrease in their motivation 🙂 ….and it IS prescribed…right here in the US in fact, though not often enough. did you know that the US is one of very few countries that still has not legalized this?ps….more ppl should think outside the box – I don’t smoke the stuff but have seen it benefit some who need it
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