What are some side effects of smoking tobacco

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Side effects of smoking tobacco include cancer and addiction. Do you have any other questions? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-side-effects-of-smoking-tobacco ]
More Answers to “What are some side effects of smoking tobacco
What are the health effects of smoking a tobacco pipe?
Lung cancer, gum disease, and respiratory problems are all health effects of pipe smoking.
What are the physical effects of smoking tobacco?
in a way yes. Basically it destroys your lungs and respiratory tract. If a person gets cancer they might have a lung removed or they might just have breathing problems from years of smoking. So they cant run for long or as well as if they h…
Does maternal tobacco smoking modify the effect of alcohol on fet…?
Olsen J , Pereira Ada C , Olsen SF .

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what are the side and long term effects of cannabis over tobacco?
Q: I am wondering which is safer to smoke: tobacco or cannabis.I read that cannabis has more tar than tobacco, and some types of cannabis have cancer fighting cells, and that kids and teens under 18 have a small chance of getting testicular cancer because their bodies are still developing.Any other comparisons?Sources to your answers would be appreciated.
A: Kids and teens shouldn’t smoke cigarettes because they slow physical development, or marijuana because it slows mental development. That aside, tobacco is much more dangerous, carcinogenic, and addictive than marijuana. Marijuana components have been shown to reduce the size of tumors, but studies are so limited, we won’t know for sure all of the positive effects of marijuana for a long time. Nicotine speeds up the heart rate artificially, which isn’t good for long-term heart health, though marijuana can increase heart rate as well even though it’s a psychedelic, not a stimulant. Cigarette smoke breaks down defenses against airborne bacteria, and constricts blood vessels. Nicotine addiction creates stress that can only be relieved by smoking a cigarette (or using other tobacco or nicotine products). Nicotine is an appetite suppressant causing many smokers to lose weight because after smoking a cigarette, their stomach doesn’t feel well enough to eat. Marijuana makes people happy, hungry and sleepy. Tobacco makes people ill and addicted. Marijuana’s stress relieving properties are probably related to its medical properties. The best weapon against disease is in your mind, and if you find some way to relax, your body will be better able to defend itself against disease. Too much stress wears down the immune system.Don’t know anything about marijuana and testicular cancer. Supposedly marijuana lowers sperm count (temporarily). Though, Tom Green(e?) had testicular cancer a few years back, and that guy has to smoke a ton of pot.
Should marijuana be legal or not? What are your thoughts on the essay here?
Q: I took my first hit. The smoke filled my lungs and I coughed it out almost immediately. To be honest, I didn’t feel any kind of “high” the first time I smoked marijuana. This is the case for most people trying the drug for the first time. The brain becomes more reactive to THC with repetitive exposure. Why did I do it again if the first time did nothing but make my lungs hurt? I wanted to experience it. Curiosity always kills the cat.I am not a cat and my curiosity has yet to kill me. Marijuana is illegal, placed on the same controlled substance list as drugs like cocaine. Marijuana, however, is no more harmful than a cigarette and is reasonably less dangerous than alcohol. For example, it is practically impossible for someone to overdose on THC since a user would likely pass out before reaching dangerous limits. No deaths have ever been linked to a THC overdose. On the other hand it is very possible for someone to overdose on alcohol. People have died from alcohol poisoning. Cigarettes’ drug nicotine is known to be very addictive. Marijuana has no habit forming chemicals. Studies have shown that smoking marijuana may have four times the potential carcinogens compared with smoking a cigarette. However, this study fails to acknowledge the many other negative side effects of smoking tobacco. It is unrealistic to think of marijuana as a truly dangerous drug, or at least no more dangerous than legal drugs like tobacco and alcohol. Even a much more potent drug, salvia divinorum, is legal within the U.S. Salvia is a plant native to South America and is the strongest naturally occurring mind altering drug known. The drug can literally render a person incapable of responding to the physical world around them despite the user appearing conscious. Salvia’s legality has been in question and has been placed on the controlled substances list in some sates, but the drug has managed to remain legal in most cases. It just isn’t logical for Marijuana to be illegal, but the fight for it’s legality must come one step at a time. Some of the penalties for having and/or using marijuana are just as astonishing as the fact that it is an illegal drug. One specific example is the penalty on college students convicted of having even small amounts in their possession. Aside from possible jail time and fines, a student on financial aid becomes ineligible to receive financial aid if convicted of possession. This seems hindering to our society in my opinion. A college student who is paying for school with financial aid probably can’t attend school without the monetary help. What if the next Einstein just so happens to be caught with marijuana? The Government refuses him schooling and a brilliant mind is wasted all because future Einstein had a plant in his pocket! There is simply no rationality behind this, yet the issue goes unquestioned (at least here in the state of Ohio).Consider the harm in loosening the tight shackles on marijuana use and possession. Perhaps some people would be more likely to use the drug because their fear of the consequences would ease. Is this such a bad thing? We see people everyday walking down the street smoking a cigarette or drinking a beer at the bar. Merely dropping some of the harsh penalties would not mean seeing people walking around downtown with a joint or finding a group of people at the back of a bar passing a bowl. Getting rid of harsh marijuana related penalties is not a step towards chaos within society. Even if marijuana were to become legal we would not see America fall apart around us. In fact, it could even ease the tension on the horrible economy. The legalization of marijuana would lead to the creation of new corporations and put a positive boost of the economic crisis. Marijuana is really only dangerous because of the consequences its use entails, maybe it’s time we make marijuana a little less dangerous.
A: Marijuana should be taxed and regulated just like alcohol and tobacco. Despite what people say it can be done. In the Netherlands it’s legal for an adult to possess up to 5 grams for personal use. HOWEVER there are very stiff penalties against the private sales and cultivation of cannabis. In other words the government is in total control of it. Pot used to be legal in most states up until 1937. The federal government banned it largely because of political pressure from the paper and cotton industries because they didn’t want to compete with hemp industry. Prior to that California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma and Utah outlawed cannabis to make it easier to deport Mexican migrant farm laborers during lean economic times.OK marijuana is a mind altering substance, it’s not for everybody. Same can be said for alcohol. Remember at one time it was said alcohol was responsible for so much damage to society the U.S. government tried to ban it. Prohibition was a disaster remember?
A conversation about quitting tobacco?
Q: Recently my friend -as I like to refer to him, genius farmer boy-, advised me of a shot that will help you quit tobacco fiending and addictions.This isn’t my first go around, I’ve quit for five months about a year or two ago via the NY state “Quit Smoking” program, funded by those death sorting tobacco companies as part of the lawsuit settlement about ten years back. Not once in between the ten or so years my friend said this intrevenous shot, have I ever heard seen and been told during any of the programs, or articles I’ve read about anything in regards to this shot! Does it exist?What are it’s side effects?Friend says a hundred bucks, this true?tell me some other stuff please
A: I assume you are talking about chewing tobacco or snuff, as you didn’t say smoking. If so, I haven’t heard of a shot. I do know that nicotine replacement therapy (nicorette, etc.) has a poor rate of success. The one thing that was found in studies is that a replacement reduces the withdrawl systems. In the case of smokeless, using an herbal snuff. When compared to using an herbal snuff with nicotine, the one without the nicotine reduced the withdrawl symptoms more than the one with nicotine.I recommend Hooch Snuff to all my friends, as it is he closest to real tobacco. You can get it at http://www.hoochsnuff.com/. Now if you are talking about smoking, I have no solution for you. Sorry.
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