What are some results of leukemia

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The term leukemia refers to cancers of the white blood cells. This results in anemia (low numbers of red cells) and bleeding problems, in addition to the increased risk of infection caused by white cell abnormalities. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-results-of-leukemia ]
More Answers to “What are some results of leukemia
How long does it take to get test results for leukemia??
If your doc or hospital has an onsite lab, the first part of bone marrow biopsy will be back in a day and the second part within 2-3 days. The first part is usually accurate, but not completly conclusive. I really dont know which part they …
How long does it take to get the test results of feline leukemia??
Whoops! It depends on the test. Most vets use the Idexx ‘snap’ test, which takes just a drop of blood and a few minutes. They may have neglected to tell you the results, which is a big oops, but they’re only human. Or, they may have sent it…

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Some questions about leukemia?
Q: I’m writing a story where the main character finds out that he has leukemia and eventually dies, and I wanted to know some things. So, first of all, what kind of leukemia would a man of about 20 develop, which would be fatal? Second, what kind of medical test would be taken to be diagnosed with leukemia, and how long would it take to get the results back? From what I understand, it usually is just a trip to the doctor’s? But, I really am not sure. Thank you very much!
A: first of all, i’m sorry if i sound too rude, i’m not in a good mood today!2nd: google it, easier to ask it hear! 3rd:http://www.emedicinehealth.com/leukemia/article_em.htmhttp://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/wyntk/leukemia/page1http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leukemia4th: search in pubmed, see which cases died! use them in ur book
Please! I really need some help with my WBC blood work results! (Low neutrophils – High eosinophils – Low WBC)?
Q: I recently received some blood work from my physician because I had been feeling very tired. My results have been fairly consistent for the past 3 months (I’ve taken three tests so far). The only part that has been changing is my eosinophil count. I currently don’t have any health insurance and am barely making it day by day. Therefore, I really can’t afford to see a specialist to have further tests. I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice as to what sort of implications these results might have. I am just really worried that I might have leukemia or some sort of blood-related cancer. (Also, I have asthma and allergies, which might contribute to the high eosinophil count, but they have not been particularly severe lately.) ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thanks!WBC: 3.4 (reference interval: 4.0-10.5)Absolute Neutrophils: 1.4 (reference interval: 1.8-7.8)Eosinophils: 4 (first test); 8 (second test); 10 (third test); (reference interval: 7)*Everything fell within the normal range for the following: RBC: 4.65Hemoglobin: 13.4Hematocrit: 40.2MCV: 87MCH: 28.8MCHC: 33.3RVW: 13.8Platelets: 204Neutrophils: 40Lymphs: 42Monocytes: 7Basos: 1Absolute Lymphs: 1.4Absolute Monocytes: 0.2Absolute Eosinophils: 0.3Absolute Baso: 0.0Thanks again!
A: If I was a betting woman I would say you do not have leukemia. Since your Hemoglobin and Hematocrit are normal as are your plateletts. Your abs neutros are on the low side but your neutrophil count is normal. Leukemia is caused by malignant WBC’s that fill the marrow space with so much cancer that the marrow cannot produce RBC’s and plateletts. There is no room for anything but malignant WBC’s to grow. Your absolute eosin count is normal. I would bet on allergies. Even if you don’t feel them. You are not anemic and you are not showing signs of an infectious process. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t have something brewing that you need to stay on top of. I didn’t pay attention until I was knocked on my a**. Literally.I was diagnosed with Leukemia AML last year. I’d give my right arm to have your lab counts. My H&H (hemoglobin & hematocrit) was 6.0 & 17.3 half what it should have been. Platelets were 45. But don’t ignore your symptoms or your inner voice. If you don’t feel right, go with it. I would suggest that you get your thyroid checked as that can make you tired also. Good luck.
Leukemia in 4 year old?
Q: Right now we are waiting on some test results to come back for our 4 year old son, but I just can’t rest so I am trying to get more insight. About a year ago our son began developing petechiae. I never thought much of it until March. He was running a fever, and had a lot of petechiae on his face, neck, and arms. We took him to the doctor who ran a CBC and everything came back normal so we left it alone. For about the past year he also began having nosebleeds, and night sweats. I didn’t worry too much about the nose bleeds because they began closer to the winter months, and as for the night sweats, his father sweats some at night so once again I dismissed it. Over the past month and a half the nosebleeds have increased significantly, and he is waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat to the point that I have to change his sheets. I took him to the doctor again today who ran another CBC, as well as some other blood tests, and a tb test. I know my doctor does not want me to worry if it’s nothing, but seriously… how common are all the issues to develop together? When they put the tourniquet on his arm for the blood draw, he immediately developed petechiae on that arm. I am really worried, and won’t get the test results back until Thursday. What does this sound like? Am I out of my mind for freaking out right now?
A: I work in a hospital and I don’t know why the doctor did not order these tests as stat knowing how worried you are.I know, working in our lab, that if blood is drawn for CBC it is usually read within 24 hours or sooner.I would call tomorrow to ease your mind.
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