What are five effects of nicotine

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Nicotine increases blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate, affects the brain pathways, causes cancer. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-five-effects-of-nicotine ]
More Answers to “What are five effects of nicotine
What are five effects of nicotine
Nicotine increases blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate, affects the brain pathways, causes cancer. ChaCha

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magazine article for english.. what should i do next?
Q: Smoking today is a big issue. More and more young people are being attracted to it each day. Each year around five million people die due to smoking and related diseases. Young people today are beginning to start smoking because believe they it is cool or due to peer pressure or temptation. Later on in life they will develop a nasty cough which is known as a smokers cough. In the lungs there will be a thick fluid surrounding them to protect them from the smoke that is inhaled.Diseases that can effect you if you smoke are heart disease; lung cancer or throat and mouth cancer. These diseases will probably cost you your life. The cost of cigarettes varies from £2.29 to £5.67.Cigarettes contain a lot of harmful products such as: tar, nicotine and tobacco. These are the main three which are very harmful to the lungs. A pregnant woman which smokes is at risk of having a miscarriage or she may give birth to a child with defects. Smoking is a disgusting habit and a complete waste of money and time. If you’re a smoker and are planning to stop you can get help from a variety of help lines or websites. Your doctor can also help you by supplying you with patches or nicorette inhalers. thats all i have done so far.. tell me where i can improve & what i can write next. thankyou for helping! x
A: Proofread and change the following.Young people today are beginning to start (delete are beginning) both mean the same you either begin or start.Later on in life they will develop a (check word order and missing ‘that’)Diseases that can effect you if you smoke are heart disease; lung cancer or (semi colon after are)The cost of cigarettes varies from £2.29 to £5.67.(between £2.29 and £5.67)You could expand on the help to quit that is available or include a paragraph on the benifits or how health improves after giving up.Mal
What do you think of the first page of my story?
Q: 1.I was the morning in the UAE, six thirty to be precise, and Rhys, who was not a morning person, was unhappily being dragged out of his pleasant slumber by the irritating beep of his alarms. The first lay on his bedside table, so it could be easily reached to press snooze and give him an extra five minutes and as he did this Rhys remembered that this was exactly the reason why he had set another alarm on his desk at the other side of the room and a third in his adjoining bathroom.He stood up, cursing for his total lack of empathy toward his future self when he had set the alarms the night before, and, after stumbling to his desk and switching off the second before making his way to the bathroom for the third, Rhys promptly collapsed back onto his bed only to find himself unable to even contemplate slipping back into a sub-conscious state.In a condition somewhere in between being asleep and being awake he pulled on his school uniform and grabbed his bag. Slowly making his way downstairs, eyes still not fully open, Rhys was almost knocked over as his little sister came bounding past singing the chorus of some tacky Disney tune, in a state far from what he believed should be legal at that time of the morning. After getting some food Rhys felt better, good enough, even, for his first head of dokha for the day. After retiring back to his room he hung out his bedroom window which overlooked the minuscule excuse for a garden and the street beyond it breathing in the mixture of refined tobacco and Iranian leaves until his lungs couldn’t hold anymore, he then breathed out in relief at his nicotine craving being satisfied and the comfortingly familiar light-headed moment when everything bad in the world clouded over.“Rhys! We’re leaving, hurry up!” shouted his mum from downstairs. Quickly recovering from the effect of the dokha Rhys sprayed some deodorant and cologne on himself, ruffled his hair, which just a bit too long for his liking, and made his way to the car.The journey was spent in the usual silence from Rhys but loud racket from his Mum and Sister as they sung along to Leona Lewis’ depressingly slow and slurry album. Rhys tried, as he did every day, to block out the noise with his iPod but failed, as he did every day, due to the cheap knock-off head phones he had bought from a dodgy dealer for a tenth of the price.Upon arrival at the school Rhys swiftly left his family’s vicinity and made his way toward the place where he knew his friends would be. Next to the school was a dilapidated three storey block of flats with a small supermarket at the bottom and behind was an alleyway leading to the other side of the block where all the students from his school went to have their nicotine fix before another two hours of abstinence.On his way to the alleyway Rhys bumped into two girls from his year. He immediately brightened up, no longer the apathetic and moody teenager his family knew him as Rhys transformed to his true self. They all exchanged greetings and made a few stoner jokes about each other as Rhys could smell the cigarette smoke on them from a mile off. “I thought you’d quit.” Rhys teased one of the girls, Louise. “Yeah, and I just lost 10dhs on a bet I made that you would die of simultaneous lung and liver failure over night.” She retorted, jokingly. As he was just about to walk away the second of the girls, Lydia, motioned toward the direction of the alley way, “Oh, Rhys, I think Jake said he wanted to talk to you about something and he seemed kind of worried.”Rhys was bemused. Jake, worried? It just didn’t compute. Jake was the kind of guy who was up for everything and didn’t give a monkey’s what anyone thought about him.As he walked to towards the alleyway Jake breathed in the heavy smell of tobacco and shisha flavour from the nearby cafe and relaxed his shoulders confident in the fact that, whatever Jake wanted to tell him, it would not burst his bubble and this would be a good day.Rhys glanced at his watch; it read 7:30, giving him fifteen minutes before school started. He had made good time, another sign, Rhys thought, of a good day ahead.Unfortunately, Rhys’ prospects of a good day were just about to plummet.“Hey, Rhys” Jake called walking towards him. “I need to talk to you”Jake tried to grab Rhys’ arm and pull him toward the school but Rhys resisted, seeing that Jake was worried and adamant that nothing would ruin his day.“No, man. Wait, I want to have some dokha first.”“I need to talk to you” Jake tried to grab Rhys’ arm again but Rhys stepped away, further into the alleyway, and reached into his pocket for the leather case in which he kept his pipe.“Fine.” Jake grunted, releasing Rhys from his grasp, eyes glued to an empty water bottle leaning against the wall. Seeing this sudden, submissive, change in Jake emotions Rhys sighed and returned the case to his pocket. He realised that there must be something serious going on for Jake to be acting so out of c
A: You expand a lot on detail just on the alarm clock scene which in reality takes moments and whizz though breakfast like it takes 3 seconds and in moments he is outside with school mates. I do not know if school kid smoking is PC these days either for a story. You need to slow down the pace. You have not given any character details of the people names you write about. It is like delay get out of bed then suddenly he is outside. Who is Rhys? What two girls? Who is Jake? Needs a bit of punctuation editing and properly paragraphed but a good start.Practice makes improvement.
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