Is marijuana really bad for the lungs

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “Is marijuana really bad for the lungs”,you can compare them.

Smoking marijuana appears to pose minimal danger to the lungs. There have been no reports of lung cancer related to marijuana. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is marijuana really bad for the lungs
Is marijuana really bad for the lungs
Smoking marijuana appears to pose minimal danger to the lungs. There have been no reports of lung cancer related to marijuana.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is smoking marijuana really THAT bad?
Q: i personally think it should be legalized. drinking alchohol is far worse for your body than marijuana. smoking weed kills brain cells and if you smoke alot of it every day it could damage your lungs but drinking alchohol occasionally damages your liver. plus, when was the last time you heard someone kill someone because they were high off pot. alot of people make stupid mistakes when they are drunk, including harming people physically. anyone agree with me?
A: I agree with you.marijuana prohibition is much more harmful than anything negative that happens to you because of the the weed itself.The State has no business destroying people’s lives to a greater extent than the substance in question ever destroys people’s lives.Marijuana Prohibition is a shameful chapter in our country’s history for that reason alone. It’s destined to be remembered with slavery, Japanese internment, segregation, our crimes in Nicaragua, Ahu Grahib, and Fox News!Happy 4th and don’t believe the hype!
is marijuana really that bad for you?
Q: i’ve been doing a little research on it and i couldn’t help but notice all the websites saying it’s not that bad for you, and i’ve come upon a couple of science and health sites saying recent studies have found no link between marijuana and brain cell destruction, as well as having no link to lung cancer. I’m just wondering if anybody could tell me what about it is as bad as the government makes it sound, and where you got that information. also, just wanted to throw it out there that i’m asking specifically about health risks with proof, not about opinions on it. i personally don’t care whether you’re for or against it, but i feel people on YA often misinterpret questions or get defensive about topics that are sensitive to them. just trying to limit that by saying that most of us are adults and should keep that in mind when answering. i like being respectful towards others, and i like being treated with respect.thanks so much! have a wonderful evening! :)some of the sites i came upon were: emporer, i should have specified. i meant if anyone has any non-government websites, i was looking for purely unbiased information.thanks though!
A: The GOV cannot regulate the Product (cannabis), Like cigarettes and alcohol, TAX, TAX, was just in the 1980’s that we were aloud to Brew our own Beer at home. yes it was illegal to Home Brew Beer. TAX TAX TAX, that’s what it is all about.Also DWI and DUI (drinking and driving) can be tested for by the LAW. But THC cannot be field tested for… That I know of… takes to long to test for and if the use of THC products were legeal you (the user that is) would have THC in your blood all the time…Its just to hard for the GOV to Control and that is what they want CONTROL!!! I know I worked for them for 5 years… never got busted…THC (found in cannabis products) is not addictive……..
Why is marijuana really illegal?
Q: It’s about as bad for you as alcohol except it affects your lungs and not your liver. It’s pretty rare to see someone die from it. Prescription over the counter meds can kill you faster. Can anyone give me a reasonable explanation why the sweet leaf is an illicit drug?
A: read the JAMMA & AMA peer reviewed articles on the effects of mj. It is worse than tobacco on your lungs, has the possibility of inducing psychosis, and permanently damages brain tissue. The myth that its safer than alcohol is just that, a myth.
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