Is it possible for someone to lie about having cancer

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Yes it is possible for someone to lie about having Cancer. Thank you for using ChaCha. Happy Holidays [ Source: ]
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Is it possible for someone to lie about having cancer
Yes it is possible for someone to lie about having Cancer. Thank you for using ChaCha. Happy Holidays

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Why would someone lie about having cancer????????
Q: Recently, I met a guy who I thought was great. He told me that he had stage III colon cancer and for some odd reason, I had this gut feeling that he was lying. That would NEVER be my first reaction..but I felt this way with him. He recently said it spread to the lymph nodes and is now undergoing chemo…been going thru chemo for a few weeks now. I saw him out at a bar drunk/drinking. He has zero hairloss. He also told me the cancer spread to his chin, behind ear, etc and those areas look completely normal. I just have this gut feeling and others are telling me the same…. If someone is undergoing chemo, I thought there would be hairloss? I also thought one would be so weak that going out and drinking lots would be out of the question. Is this possible? Any advice would be appreciated!
A: Not everyone undergoing chemo loses their hair. It depends on the type and consistency of chemo. Cancer is also not always “seen” if ever. Some people can live a normal life, even defy the disease and go out and do the things they like to do. It’s about a will to live, and a will to fight the disease. None of us can tell you whether this guy is lying or not. If he is, then I pity him because it is no joke, and is a horrible thing to do. But I guess I can’t imagine someone would go that far with something like that. My advice is to try to research about it a little and pop some “technical” questions on him and see what he says.
Someone lied about cancer to get money. what to do now?
Q: ok ill make this as short as possible. so this girl came to me a year ago saying she got diagnosed with throat cancer and said she needed money to pay for cancer treatments and she would reimburse me once the insurance company reimbursed her, since she said she was switching insurance companies that would better cover the cancer treatment costs. now, she claimed she was in illinois at a cancer center this whole time, so i never saw her face to face. she said it was a matter of life and death and threatened to kill herself or me if she did not get the money from me. so i figured, why not save someones life, and get the money back when it goes through. I made it very clear to her i wanted every cent back plus more for my troubles, and i even made her promise if i caught her lying she owes me double. she agreed to it and i made her send me an agreement stating so. after many months she kept claiming she sent checks in the mail to me, yet no money showed up which prompted me to investigate, which in doing so, i found out she does not, or did not, have cancer, from seeing pictures of her at a wedding and talking with her friend about the situation. so i emailed her parents hoping they could shed some light onto why she would act like this and to get her to start paying back, and they said she is an adult(she is 20 living at home still) and that they could not help (which blew my mind). the girl then changed her phone number and now no one will answer the phone at her house or anything, i pretty much stopped calling after i found out because i didnt want to do anything to stupid to get me in trouble. but i am entitled to me my money and am curious to get some insight on my next move. I have a years worth of txt messages (around 10000) documenting all this (literally everything, her threats of killing herself, her needing the money for cancer, her demanding money, etc), pictures of her out drinking when she said she was at the cancer center, friends who could confirm this, and bank transactions of everything showing exactly what was going on. now, this has really messed up my life, i may never trust another person and may never marry and suffer incredible emotional stress from her actions (sleepless nights, constant headaches and worrying, bill collectors calling since she hasnt gotten me my money, missed out on a years worth of living because i was solely committed to helping her out) I need to get my life back and cant until i know what to do, i have talked to my lawyer, but would like some other perspective on this situation. please any help would be greatly no no, i used to date her about 2 years ago and hadnt seen her for a year since we broke up. i saw her a few times before she started with this cancer story. i know her address, parents number, all that. i should have included the details, i know her and where she lives, i used to date her.hang onto the past?? this just happened last weekagreed, i have already cut off contact and will never speak to her again, that part has been completed.
A: Well, you could sue her for fraud. It’s unlikely in the extreme that she has the money to pay a judgment — she’s 20 years old, unemployed, living at home, and scams gullible young men like you for a living.I say, cut the cord. End all contact with her of any sort, forever, under any circumstances. If she calls you up and threatens to kill herself again, your response should be “Go ahead. I don’t care.” And mean it. I know that sounds mean, but look at how she treated you!This is a very expensive life lesson, but here’s the lesson: stay away from her (and women like her) in the future. Find yourself a nice, stable, boring girl with a regular job, no substance abuse issues, and NO CHAOS.
Do you think this person is lying about having cancer to get attention? (Opinions from doctors would be great)?
Q: I have an ex boyfriend that is crazy, he’s 18, I met and dated him when he was 16. He used to tell people he was a hit man and that he had his identity erased and that he was skitzophrenic and he once pretended to hallucinate, all for attention I think. I don’t know. He’s wierd. And about a little under a year ago he started telling everyone he has lung cancer. When he started telling everyone he had cancer he’d only been smoking for about 2 to 3 years. Granted he smoked anything and everything he could get his hands on, and he did smoke a lot, he used to go digging around in ash trays and smoke what are called “re-frys”, which are cigarrettes that other people had only partially smoked before putting out, he’d smoke cigarrettes he found on the ground, he’d occasionally smoke clove cigarrettes if one was offered to him or he had a pack, and he did smoke a lot of cigarretes a day but I’m not sure exactly how many pack-wise. He sais he has 7 years to live. When I talked to him the last couple times, he seemed fine. He was coughing a lot around the time he told me he had cancer when I talked to him on the phone, but the last two times I talked to him recently he wasn’t coughing or anything. He seemed normal. I’m wondering, does that even sound possible? I mean I know anything’s possible, but how likely is someone to get lung cancer after smoking for 2-3 years and then be able to live for 7 years? How long do people with smoking-induced lung cancer usually live? Does it sound like he could be lying for attention or something…btw I’m not with him anymore and I hardly talk to him. I know he’s crazy and I should stay away from him. I just want to know if he’s ok.and duh I know he’s a compulsive liar. lol.
A: Cancer specialist doctor opinion – Not likely to be trueHere’s some data on smoking related lung cancersLung cancer mainly occurs in the elderly. About 2/3 people older than 65 Fewer than 3% under the age of 45Average age of diagnosis ~ 70 60% of people diagnosed with either type of lung cancer (non-small cell or small cell) are dead in 1 year.73% are dead by 2 years. 1 in 7 people diagnosed with lung cancer survive 5 years– most of those who are cured are cured with initial surgery- – not with chemotherapy. This sounds like attention seeking behavior.
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