How do u get leukemia? MORE

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Radiation. Being exposed to certain chemicals in the workplace. Past chemotherapy or radiation for another cancer. (This is rare, and not all chemotherapies raise your leukemia risk.) [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do u get leukemia? MORE
How do u get leukemia?
Radiation. Being exposed to certain chemicals in the workplace. Past chemotherapy or radiation for another cancer. (This is rare, and not all chemotherapies raise your leukemia risk.)
Can leukemia be pass to people kiss? or u can only get it from ur…?
Leukemia is in the blood from the day you are born, everybody has it, BUT not everyone will develop it. It is not hereditary and you can not give it or get it by a kiss. My son was diagnosed at age 15 and he was in very good health, beside …
How do u get past the initial feeling when told that your baby ha…?
My baby boy of just one year has been diagnosed with AML the most aggresive form of leukemia. Im having a hard time getting past that depression of the initial impact. Iwant to thank all of the wonderful answers and replies of support. I do…

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Leukemia info? Plz help??!!!!?
Q: Ok-im writing a story in which a girl gets leukemia and dies but I need more info on leukemia.some of my questions are:After you are diagnosed, on average how long do u have to live?what are some symptoms of leukemia? Is there a cure for it and what is the chance that u will die from it?these r just a few & if u would like to add more I’d appreciate it! Thx!also could u tell me what the age range is for Leukemia?
A: My dad had leukemia and died from it because it was not diagnosed soon enough.1. No average time because it depends on how soon you find out you have leukemia and how aggressive the treatment is.2. Here are some general leukemia symptoms:Anemia Recurrent Infections Bone and Joint Pain Abdominal Distress Swollen Lymph Nodes Difficulty Breathing or Dyspnea 3. There is no cure but the leukemia can be put in remission. Again it depends on the stage you are at and how soon you find out that you have leukemia.Contact the Leukemia Society for information. They mailed us out tons of information on the disease when we ask for it.
My girlfriend dumped me should I leave?
Q: about 10 ago my girlfriend and I had a discussion it was ok, she went out with her friends. I call her back an when she answered I hang up on her this happened four times. I was mad and wasn’t thinking so we had a fight over the phone she said she would call me when she got home she did but I was asleep you know. that same day I called her because I needed to talk to someone and she said that we would talk in the evening but yet she went out. she knows that my grandmother suffers from leukemia an was diagnosed with bone cancer that day so I just wanted to talk to someone I really regret what I did because I love her an it hurts. talked to her tuesday an she said I had changed allot an that we had to take a break she said that she doesn’t know how we would fix this, I love her I just want things to be the same. after that she hung up I said I love u and she said I love u too. haven’t talked to her since thursday. but I call her maybe one time a day just to say good morning she says we shouldn’t talk because we are taking a break yet she always answers. this was like two weeks ago I been calling just to se how she is doing an she doesn’t take it well, she is like I taught we has talked an were going to talk till january so we stopped talking. I went on a trip to chicago for six days came back the 23 an I call her. Her mother answers her cell phone an thanks me for the roses I gave her daughter, an said that that was her new cell an that my ex would get one for christmas. her mother said good bye an merry christmas, later my ex calls an says ” I can’t believe you called my mother what is your problem” I was, how am I supposed to know that your phone was your moms new phone. so it kept going an she was like Iam so tired of this an she hangs up on me, I call her for the last time an then she is like I will call you later an hangs up. She didn’t call for christmas eve, I have all the gifts I want to give her. Its just to hard because she is the girl I fell in love with an would give anything to have her by my side one last time. its hard to mend. I just think i wont get to see her no more. please help!!!Our original fight was on the 8th of December I have only seen her once
A: <So should I just leave?> Seems like she has already left you, so, yes, you should. Your leaving will not necessarily mean that there is no hope, only that you can’t force things to “be the same.”I feel so bad for you, and about your grandmother, too, but if someone has dumped you, it’s generally better to save your dignity and not make them feel smothered. Her attitude about the call to her mother, which was not your fault, certainly makes it sound like she is both unreasonable and exasperated. Not what you want at this point. Sometimes less is more. I mean, if you are not sort of stalking her and putting her under pressure, she may have second thoughts about the breakup. The way you’ve been doing things will only drive her away.I know this is awful, and I hope for the best outcome for you, but for now, it would be in your best interest to try to turn your thoughts to other things that make you happy. A happy person is attractive. It may be hard for awhile, but just try to keep in mind that you very likely have a very happy life ahead of you, in which you will be with someone you love and who loves you back equally, whether her or someone else.
Q: the 8th of december my girlfriend and I had a discussion it was ok, she went out with her friends. I call her back an when she answered I hang up on her this happened four times. I was mad and wasn’t thinking so we had a fight over the phone she said she would call me when she got home she did but I was asleep you know. that same day I called her because I needed to talk to someone and she said that we would talk in the evening but yet she went out. she knows that my grandmother suffers from leukemia an was diagnosed with bone cancer that day so I just wanted to talk to someone I really regret what I did because I love her an it hurts. talked to her 4 weeks ago an she said I had changed allot an that we had to take a break she said that she doesn’t know how we would fix this, I love her I just want things to be the same. after that she hung up I said I love u and she said I love u too. she agree to talk an we did she broke up with me an I gave her 2 dozen roses an a letter an a picture that we looked very happy an she called me her baby an sweety kissed me an started crying she kissed me many times an said she just couldn’t love anyone . I wasn’t able to give her space an she said she loved me kissed me an broke up with me, she said that she loved me but couldn’t be with me at this time. what should I do if wi both love each other?I called her 2 weeks ago an she said to giver her time an that we weren’t going out anymore.I asked her if she would have dinner with me in January an she said yes since Iam going on a trip. I believe her mom talked to her because her mom told me that she wasn’t ready to settle down? an that this things happened to young people me been 21 an she 20 her mom made it sound like we were getting married or something. I returned from the trip an didn’t talk to her while I was there six days. called her the 23rd an her mother answers an tells me that her daughters cell was hers now, an that she would get one for christmas. so later my ex calls on that same cell an tells me how could you call my mother, an I was like i didn’t know this was your moms number you know.she said she was tired an told me that she wasn’t feeling like talking to me because she was on those days, I will talk to you later an hang up haven’t talk to her since. Iam dying here because I remember alot of happy memories. I saw her this last weekend in a club with her friends an she didn’t even say hi, after the club we had a disscussion an she said she couldn’t be with me at the time because she was messed up in the head, I reply ed what she said an she slapped me, I got mad we argued more. I told her many things but never disrespect an said that I wouldn’t lose my time anymore I dont think its worth it. She got very upset an she told me that she couldn’t be with me because she was deeply in love with some one else she new long ago. So I told her all we had was a lie?? an she said how could you an said “Im worth it im worth it” crying an said **** you. what should i Do? Have I lost her?? Thanks guys for this been so long just want advice, HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!
A: Sorry man. i hate to tell you this but its time to move on bro. I know from experience that girls will confuse you real bad and im not so sure if they even know they confuse us. But move on , you can find some one that will treat you better trust me. I used to think my ex was the one but now i laugh at even thinkin that. I thought i was going to die with out her but know that jsut seems funny.
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