How do people have medical marijuana permits in ca

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “How do people have medical marijuana permits in ca”,you can compare them.

Chronic pain, chronic nausea, AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, hepatitis, and other conditions can get you a medical marijuana permit in Ca. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do people have medical marijuana permits in ca
Why do People Use Medical Marijuana
Medical marijuana helps people enduring symptoms of disease, or enduring symptoms of harsh treatments for disease. Cancer patients, multiple sclerosis patients, Aids patients and Glaucoma patients, amongst others, have all felt medical mari…
How do people qualify for medical marijuana?
It depends which state really. In CA prop 215 only made it avalible to cancer patiants, AidS patients , and other terminal, or high sicknesses. State Bill 420 how ever made it more avilable, including insomnia, anxity, back pains or other c…
Why are some people against medical marijuana?
Great question. Law enforcement usually is the only one against any sort of lowering marijuana restrictions.. I have researched this and the police force say they are there to enforce only and they don’t make the laws. So why do they try to…
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