How bad is smoking for a teenager

Health related question in topics Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How bad is smoking for a teenager”,you can compare them.

A single cigarette takes about 5 to 20 minutes off the person’s life. It leads to many health issues including cancers, pneumonia. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How bad is smoking for a teenager
Is smoking when you are a teenager bad?
Smoking at any age is bad for you. Never say “it’s too late for me”. There is no such thing. I was 45 when I quit cold turkey. You want to die young, keep it up. I haven’t touched a cigarette in 25 years. You should see what a lun…
What are the bad effects of smoking marijuana in teenagers??
Oh heavens! This is not a question that I could really cover completely in this little box. I mean, I could sort of spew forth the well known medical effects of marijuana: lethargy, decreased motivation, infertility, etc. but those are some…
Is it bad to smoke weed if your only a teenager??
Yes because it damages the part of your brain that controls impulse. If you wait until that part has developed, you wouldn’t want to try weed. If you smoke weed while it is developing, you can never rid yourself of the addiction.

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smoking editorial?!?!? help!!?
Q: I’m writing an editorial for english and the topic i chose was smoking. I’m against the idea and worse teenagers smoking. Not only is a person hurting themselves but also others around them.This is what i have for an opener: “Why not waste money and ruin our lives at the same time?”I need help now on what should go next or even how I should bring up the part about how the topic is smoking!!!! IDEAS?!thank you so much in advance!!
A: How about this:What is not socially acceptable, but is acceptable?What is a stress reliever that causes more stress?What makes everything stink?
Why do people keep saying I will be a bad teenager?
Q: It’s bothering me.I’m thirteen, christian, love school, home schooled, purposely have very few friends because I pick them very carefully and I would do anything for my family. I’ve chosen to lead a different life than everyone else and I started on the good path last year making sure I would be a good person. I just keep getting family warning me I will be a bad teenager, I will end up smoking, drinking [you get it…] and hating my family and always wanting to be out with my friends.I’ve never been the person except when I had to try so hard to fit in with people two years ago in another country and everyone hated Americans so I can’t be blamed that much- I was only pretending to fit in until we moved. Will I Really change That much in two years like everyone keeps saying I will? I know I will change but I’ve never really liked going out much unless I had to. I’ve never changed that drastically so I don’t understand how I will in two years.My parents had no religion. I chose for myself tyvm and I am homeschooled because I wanted to be. No offense to my parents but they aren’t that smart to have a plan like that.
A: This is not true. Not all teenagers are like this, the stereotypical “rebellious , i hate my parents and my life, i’m gonna go out and party break all the rules, etc” teenager is overrated, yes some teens are like this but don’t allow those to teens ruin the reputation of the teenagers that behave properly. Go ahead, prove them wrong and they’ll regret saying what they say 😉
What do you think of this method of keeping kids from starting smoking?
Q: Start when they’re five or so, and whenever they do somethiing bad, make them smoke as a punishment. Make sure they inhale and make sure they cough. Tell them that next time if they do it again, you will make them smoke a non-filtered cigarette.Then, point at teenagers and adults who are smoking, and tell them that these are people who kept doing bad things, and that their punishment was that they had to keep smoking until they were addicted, so now they cough all the time, and they’re going to get cancer.Then, they’ll grow up thinking of smoking as a punishment, and they’ll hate it and never want to start!Please try this on your kids, and in 30 years let me know how it worked. I need at least 1,000 people to try this on their kids for good data. If you work for the tobacco companies, well, sorry.(this theory is based on my ex-girlfriend telling me that she is a slob because her mother used to make her clean as a punishment)Also please tell me if you are a smoker or not, this is a pertinent piece of information.
A: Your children will become addicted if you do this. The logic is flawed. It is also illegal.
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